I normally don't be on this ultra violent murderous shit...
But like I said, in China, people get killed for this shit.
The more I find out, I get angry about this shit because I know all these fucking governments in the South work like this.
These fucking honkeys rather take government money and brought up this shitty ass colleges like Mississippi State. They rather spend it on their celebrity friends.
These people deserve to have a quick and speedy trial and then taken out the back and shot. I'm in favor of the death penalty when people deliberately do some shit to take advantage of millions of people.
This is the failure of Reconstruction. All these sons and daughters of traitorous ass confederates shouldn't be alive, because a just world, ruled by a just god, their fathers and mothers would've been executed for treason. Whole ass bloodlines should've been wiped the fuck out. If all the fathers and mothers of the confederacy killed off, America would've been a better place.
But America loves their backwards ass, racist ass, stupid ass crackers. Because then "good White people" can say, "at least I ain't them".