"Boyfriend" Of 35 Women Arrested For Fraud In Japan


Unshakeable Unbreakable Victorious
Sep 27, 2020
That hobosxual finesse tho 🤣🤣🤣

Boyfriend who 'dated 35 women and told each one he had a different birthday so he regularly received gifts' is arrested for fraud in Japan

  • Takashi Miyagawa, 39, was arrested in Japan for allegedly defrauding 35 women
  • The serial dater told each victim he wanted a serious relationship to receive gifts
  • He also told each woman that his birthday fell on a different date of the year
  • The women eventually banded together in February and reported him to police
Takashi Miyagawa, a part-time worker of no fixed abode from the Japanese region of Kansai, had told each of the women he had been dating that his birthday was on a different date.

Lol, naw. I dont know how people can date multiple at once. I get why though. Cast your net and see who will be the best choice. I couldnt do it. Too much time, effort and money to date multiple people. I stick with one. If it doesnt work, move to the next.
I also am starting to hate reading articles from dailymail.co.uk. This is the second article I read from them. Their website is so busy and cluttered. They also repeat info.
Define legit newspaper.
All biased as fuck in what they print and generally have agendas.

wouldn’t trust fuck all from them.
Very true. When I hear tabloid, I think of rumors and unverified stories, articles about the stupidest things. In DC, a legit newspaper would be the Washington Post. But like you said and I agree, everyone has their own bias and agendas. Some a lot more than others though.
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Very true. When I hear tabloid, I think of rumors and unverified stories, articles about the stupidest things. In DC, a legit newspaper would be the Washington Post. But like you said and I agree, everyone has their own bias and agendas. Some a lot more than others though.

Yea most of today’s “journalists” just go through Twitter to find stories about shit that’s irrelevant in world news.

rather write up about celebrity lifestyles than real issues around the world.
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