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Breaking News Body camera video shows Minneapolis officers shooting Black man during no-knock warrant. Attorneys say he wasn't the target

Police claim they "were executing the warrant tied to a homicide investigation".

So they claim they were looking for a killer.

No knock warrants are problematic af tho, especially if the intelligence is bullshit

But uh wtf. What kind of life u living if you sleeping on someone's couch w ur tool under ur pillow.

RIP tho
Don’t have to be living foul.
Can be location
Or stalker
But uh wtf. What kind of life u living if you sleeping on someone's couch w ur tool under ur pillow.

RIP tho

If he didnt have the tool in him would he be alive today?

Don’t do this.

What difference does it make where he kept his firearm?

Years ago there was a black man in the backseat of a police car with his hands cuffed behind his back who ended up dead from a gunshot wound to the head and they ruled it a suicide.

And another one where a black man was shot in THE CHEST while his hands were cuffed behind his back and it was STILL ruled a “suicide”.

Whether you have or gun or not, they’ll find some way to make everything your fault in order to justify their actions.

Cut it out.
in my city they killed this black male while he was sitting his car. there some cover up going on right now .
My M&P stays upstairs and when Im up for the day I keep my Glock 19 downstairs till bed time
Near at hand I would imagine? Makes sense to me

I used to be like thay *I only have the one* but I used to feel some kinda way carrying the pole from room to room. Had me feeling like Bishop from Juice lol.

I might just do as you say tho and keep it downstairs while I'm there. Near my couch or something
Police claim they "were executing the warrant tied to a homicide investigation".

So they claim they were looking for a killer.

No knock warrants are problematic af tho, especially if the intelligence is bullshit

But uh wtf. What kind of life u living if you sleeping on someone's couch w ur tool under ur pillow.

RIP tho
I sleep comfortably will a gun under my pillow because I'm at home minding business and it's registered. Like the gun in iny office downstairs.

Your post makes it look like the young man was at fault......he wasn't
If ya see my car in the driveway and your buss in my house…..I’m taking out the wall.
cuz if you seen my car you know I was home and you still came in.

these cops are not thinking how a normal everyday mind his business person would react to an invasion nor are they taking past trauma into account.

now if the next person mows a few of them down……I don’t want no slow singing and flower bringing
The cops had a key right.

How did they get the key? Probably from the warrant and the property manager gave it to them? IDK

Buy however they got the key and whoever gave it to them should have verified the right person

Something is more off than usual.
Random people run up in his house and he’s supposed to be cool calm and collected?

As he's just waking up and may not even have a good grasp of what's happening.

This type the cops actually did announce themselves, but what does that even mean when a person is asleep and isn't completely conscious of reality yet.

They don't pull this shit at noon. They do it in the dead of night when people aren't always in a position to think things through rationally.
Even my conservative friends can't give MPD the benefit of the doubt anymore. Give the MPD benefit of the doubt and they will use it put lipstick on you and shit directly in your mouth. Apparently shooting dogs at the wrong location wasn't enough for them.

I was never into complete dissolution of the MPD, but now I really don't see any other way forward. St. Paul doesn't do no knock raids and its a very similar similar city right next door, and they never seem to have these continual problems like MPD does.
The person they was looking for was captured and he was 17yr old kid that was related to Amir Locke. The apartment was young kid's brother's apt when Amir was sleeping.

They're going to use all that to get the cops a get out of prison card.

Prepare yourselves for the bullshit now.