Breaking News Body Cam footage from Alton Sterling execution by a Baton Rouge pig has finally been released

Dec 22, 2017

Cop Who Shot and Killed Alton Sterling Called Him a ‘Stupid Ass Motherf***er’ After Shooting

Days after the Louisiana attorney general announced that he wouldn’t be bringing charges against either of the police officers involved in the shooting that killed Alton Sterling, Baton Rouge Police Chief Murphy Paul announced one of the officers had been fired and the other had been suspended.

The police chief also released disturbing body cam footage from the deadly encounter that showed the officer that shot Sterling six times calling him a “stupid ass motherfucker” after shooting him.

Paul said the body cam videos from the officers and a nearby convenience store’s surveillance footage is graphic and “shocking to the conscience.” At the same time, he stated that the footage only tells part of the story.
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Why niggas never listen when the police tell them to get on the ground

SMH @ this coon ass Chief saying the community will give that killer pigs partner a chance...

well that dude didnt kill Sterling and according to the chief, they felt he did everything to try and deescalate the situation

and that chief not a coon fam...c'mon
so i talked to my cousin who is in law enforcement and got a new perspective on the situation

after talking with him, i think the officer who did kill sterling had it on his mind from jump he was gonna come there to try to assert his authority and he wasnt trying to deescalate shit. He set the tone the moment he got out his car putting his hands on sterling.

Let me make this clear

Sterling was a multiple offender of having an illegal firearm. I am in NO WAY saying he deserved to be killed, but him not complying with the first officer definitely didnt help his case probably b/c he knew they were going to find the gun on him once they patted him down.
so i talked to my cousin who is in law enforcement and got a new perspective on the situation

after talking with him, i think the officer who did kill sterling had it on his mind from jump he was gonna come there to try to assert his authority and he wasnt trying to deescalate shit. He set the tone the moment he got out his car putting his hands on sterling.

Let me make this clear

Sterling was a multiple offender of having an illegal firearm. I am in NO WAY saying he deserved to be killed, but him not complying with the first officer definitely didnt help his case probably b/c he knew they were going to find the gun on him once they patted him down.

Big dog

Respectfully, what videos were you watching.

Did you not see Sterling with his hands out before he got hit with the taser?

Did you not hear dude state that the officers were hurting his arm?

The first officer was the one putting his arm around his back and laying him on the car.

The dude put up no fight with those officers, they, the officers simply couldn't put his hands behind his back, it was two of them,
After he got hit with the taser, the dude was still pleading asking what he do? And then he got tackled.

Again, what does him having an illegal gun mean?

Dude you forgot, he's on one of the hottest, dangerous, blocks, area in BR selling CDs at night. Fairfield my nigga?? So he's not supposed to sell CDs in one of the worst parts of BR, at night, with no protection? Come on bro.

Let's make what we are saying make sense.
Look at the area he's selling CDs at and that will let you know why he has a gun.
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well that dude didnt kill Sterling and according to the chief, they felt he did everything to try and deescalate the situation

and that chief not a coon fam...c'mon


That dude is a coon. Bottom line, that dude is a puppet, just like the rest

How you fire someone, but don't pin any charges on him?

That means he didn't do any wrong in the AG eyes but he was wrong in the chief eyes? You don't see the jet eye mind tricks that they are presenting out here??

That officer has every reason to have his job back, you fire me for breaking rules within the department, code of conduct, but yet, these ppl who are above you, your supervisors, have me being dismissed from any charges of this incident??

You don't see the coon activity going on??the mind fuck that these ppl are doing to the black community, I can't be the only one that sees this, I hope I'm not the only one that see this.

Breh, I'm not trying at all trying to belittle you or make myself seem like I know it all, never my intentions, just want ppl to start peeping game on a deeper level.
well that dude didnt kill Sterling and according to the chief, they felt he did everything to try and deescalate the situation

and that chief not a coon fam...c'mon

But it was his scary ass who was the one.. Who yelled out GUN when they had Alton pinned on the ground and in control of his hands.. I don’t think those Baton Rouge niggas are going to forgive and forget that.. Even though he didn’t pull trigger.. Him and partner were both out there acting scary as hell together.. And that’s what cost Alton Sterling his life...