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Black Privilege

Honestly trying to think of “privileges” just sounds more stereotypical and pathetic

Just be proud of your race and who you are

When people speak of “white privilege” I’m sure it’s something much more paramount than just us having a good sense of rhythm or a big dick…
Honestly trying to think of “privileges” just sounds more stereotypical and pathetic

Just be proud of your race and who you are

When people speak of “white privilege” I’m sure it’s something much more paramount than just us having a good sense of rhythm or a big dick…
Thank you for sharing b
Lol son I’m just saying…

Youre list of “privileges” sound like stereotypes
Let me…

yall …

If I went to Harvard and got a degree in mathematics and I am black

If a Asian went to Harvard and got a degree in mathematics

we both are up for a engineering job..

There is a stereotype that Asians are adept to math and very hard working

This is a stereotype…


It is also..a privilege to be afforded the belief of being good at something, just because of your race.

In a roundabout way…this stereotype..this stereotype also has the duality of being a privilege that Is not readily afforded to others.

The problem here is that y’all are considering fairness into this and I don’t give a fuck about that. The world isn’t fair..some stereotypes are in duality privileges , and some privileges are based on stereotypes

white privilege as I have stated..is entirely based on stereotypes..do y’all follow me?
White people aren’t the only ones that afford white privilege to white people

here is an example

it’s a white privilege for young white women to go outside in bathing suits to go to the pool and in the mean time walk to the store to get drinks and then go back to the store and everyone who sees them automatically assume that they are going to the beach or to a pool near by, no one assumes otherswise

Same time..I have been with different black people at different times on different days and seen these type of white girls and the black people I’m wit say nothing .

Same time..remember I am in a beach and hot city..same time, I’ve been wit some of these same black people, seen black young women that I can see are the same damn age as young white women, and these black people who said nothing bout the white girls..

never first assume these black girls are going to the beach, came back from the beach, or are taking time from the pool to walk to the store..

They always assume the more salacious thought of these girls out here wit their ass out just cause

I have often times been the voice of reason that explains those kids could be this or that.

and they always say, oh..I didn’t even think about that

cause it’s a privilege afforded to white people not black people, that even black people perpetuate
Same time, I been to a city gym where white girls from cross the river came over and played a group of black girls and everyone took one look at them white girls and thought..blowout

dem white girls destroyed them black girls ..but there is privilege in people assuming your great at athletics simply because you are black.

It may not be something you want to be a privilege and thus are borthered by it or reject it, but it’s a privilege none the less and it can be used to your advantage if you so chose to.

Mid speed black guy..becomes “big strong wide receiver”

Mid speed white guy..becomes tightend

who makes more money?

Yes things aren’t fair but they are privileges none the less
here's a privilege

bein melanated

able to be out in the sun all day w/o sunscreen


I use to think so until I was on a beach in Jamaica a few years back and got sunburned. Before wifey was like you want some sunscreen? I'm like nah we Black, I'm good.
Intimidation is the cousin of confidence and adoration. People liked 50 Cent because he is a intimidating figure. He’s a “tough super thug from Queens” his race assists with this notion.

He leans into it, he uses it to project a tough confident exterior, this breeds adoration. Like a mafia boss would have. People stop and listen to what he has to say, adore his viewpoints.

Lupe Fiasco is a smart guy, it would make more sense to listen to him, he doesn’t lean into it. More people stop to watch a 50 interview than a Lupe interview.

The privileges white people are afforded are like apples , sweet even if they don’t use them to make apple pie

The privileges black people are afforded are lemons, you can choose to keep them bitter or make lemonade but they can be used as privileges none the less.
Like I said fam, if you don’t get it, I wholeheartedly understand why you don’t get it. But what I saying is factual shit. You just have to stop running from things, consider what these things mean, there is duality to everything. Lean into the other side of these things and watch your world view change overtime
To us privilege relates to money
To dogs puppy chow is a full course meal..you know better. What if a dog could gain the consciousness of a human, sit and partake in a full course meal with all the fixings. You think he could ever see puppy chow as a great meal again?
Y’all gotta stop listening to the Dick Gregory’s and the Umars of the world. On one hand y’all say y’all tire of movies from the slave era, and movies about cookie cutter black relationships, and movies about black drug dealers, but y’all listen to these people that consistently teach that salvation or self worth is found outside of yourself. Like It’s found in gaining knowledge..so Umar preaches building a school. It’s found in money, so rappers preach getting money, it’s found in relationships, so all these stupid convos on the web about a man’s worth or a woman’s worth when it comes to relationships. It’s found in over coming the white man, so Gregory preaches all this stuff about the past and how black people are under the weight of the white man.

All this stuff thats telling you. You ain’t worthy until you obtain this or obtain that..you worthy right now. You have privileges right now, one’s you can use.

You don’t have to look for worth outside yourself because you are already worthy. What the world provides you right now and who you are right now is worthy.

The only thing that can stop you is death …difficulty is not an obstacle
To dogs puppy chow is a full course meal..you know better. What if a dog could gain the consciousness of a human, sit and partake in a full course meal with all the fixings. You think he could ever see puppy chow as a great meal again?

wouldn’t a dog want what wolves eat? Why would he want a human meal?
Y’all gotta stop listening to the Dick Gregory’s and the Umars of the world. On one hand y’all say y’all tire of movies from the slave era, and movies about cookie cutter black relationships, and movies about black drug dealers, but y’all listen to these people that consistently teach that salvation or self worth is found outside of yourself. Like It’s found in gaining knowledge..so Umar preaches building a school. It’s found in money, so rappers preach getting money, it’s found in relationships, so all these stupid convos on the web about a man’s worth or a woman’s worth when it comes to relationships. It’s found in over coming the white man, so Gregory preaches all this stuff about the past and how black people are under the weight of the white man.

All this stuff thats telling you. You ain’t worthy until you obtain this or obtain that..you worthy right now. You have privileges right now, one’s you can use.

You don’t have to look for worth outside yourself because you are already worthy. What the world provides you right now and who you are right now is worthy.

The only thing that can stop you is death …difficulty is not an obstacle

bruh but this ain’t that