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Black Privilege


Who do you think you are? I am
So..I just watch a video where some white people and black people got together to make a stand at a city council meeting. What they were there for affected the black community and the most outspoken black person, whom appeared to be the leader of the movement went there to make a political display of what they were fighting for.

The “white ally’s” as they called the white people in the group, their whole job was to create a white barrier around this black guy. So when shit starts getting heated, where ever the guy went and the court officers tried to get near him to force physical contact so they could use physical contact.

The white ally’s got between the black guy and them. Even often times physically touching the offers. But the offers never made any attempt to touch the white ally’s. Thus They accepted and used their white privilege to make a point and help a situation that primarily affected black people.

We all know white privilege but videos of it being used as a weapon against racism often times is so stunning.

That being said..though white privilege is something we recognize and often times have to overcome thus we have a tense view of the word privilege, every social group has some sort of privilege.

What are some black privilege things you believe exist.

I’ll go first, these seem like stereotypes but actually are thoughts about us that are bestowed upon us because we are black, regardless of if they are true or not.

We have rhythm..swear to gawd, a black person can go to a white function and be a horrible dancer, go to the center of the dance floor and everyone will not see a bad dancer, they will see someone doing a style of dance that so hip and that’s why they don’t know about it.

That we can cook really good, this is why people lose their mind when they see black female celebs share their receipes and can’t cook, it’s a privilege for people to believe that we are just gifted with the flavors

That we are strong and athletic..you can not know how to fight be be out of shape and go places that are diverse and instantly be seen as a capable threat. Most places we go that are deverse..be honest, you never think about possibly getting in a physical altercation..it’s an assumption we can handle ourselves so the energy don’t exist.

What are some other black privilege things you can think of besides that obvious stuff

Oh, and big dick..before one of y’all say it..chicks of other races automatically assume we all got a giant dick.

Black women know better
I’m thinking what you may see as black privileges may be stereotypes. I’m attempting to understand what you mean is, what stereotypes work or have worked in our favor as black people? Maybe I’m incorrect.
I’m thinking what you may see as black privileges may be stereotypes. I’m attempting to understand what you mean is, what stereotypes work or have worked in our favor as black people? Maybe I’m incorrect.
Let me explain it in another way..

White female innocence is a stereotype
White males being good leaders is a stereotype
White teachers being caring is a stereotype

Theses are stereotypes..you see them as privileges because you aren’t afforded the same attributes simply because of your race or sex

Get me..

To a white person that wants to come off as though they are not to be fucked wit. Simply leaving the house wit some sweats, a hoody, and skully ain’t enough..like it is with us.

That white guy watches Andrew Tate, and Joe Rogan and all these’s alpha sigma bullshit that poisons their mind, because those guys are the equivalent of what they want to project. Strong donminant male figure. Something that black man project just from being black.

Though this can lead to problems because we are automatically seen as a threat, for folks that want to be a seen as a threat


Now if you think of your skin color as a disadvantage, you don’t see this as a attribute, you see this as a disadvantage. As such, you don’t know how to use it as an attribute. Feel me?

Mostly because if you stay in all black spaces, because everyone is of the same color, it’s not an attribute, how could it be if we know better? But if you go to none entirely black spaces and embrace it.

My sidewalks are always clear, I don’t get an attitude from customer service, I have personal shopper helpers everywhere I go because you never know..big black intimidating man might start some shit..so they always close by..lol

I understand how some people see these as only negative stereotypes. But that’s only if you view the world from a white mans perspective.

Take white female innocence..Black you ever seen a man get buck wit a white female in public? How many times this year you seent that?

Black..how many times a man got buck wit you in public ?


I go to restaurants sometimes and I always peak into the kitchen..”do they got black folks in there?”…

aight I’m good

It’s a privilege to be seen that way simply because you are the color you are, embrace it

who’s to say them mufuckas’s can actually cook..

who’s to say Carson Wentz was a leader? They assumed so tho..was he?
I kno shit makes perfect sense in your head

but sometimes things get lost in translation when you try to articulate & formulate it into a sentence

I kinda get where you're goin but not really

like being able to say "nigga" freely w/o any repercussions, right?
I kno shit makes perfect sense in your head

but sometimes things get lost in translation when you try to articulate & formulate it into a sentence

I kinda get where you're goin but not really

like being able to say "nigga" freely w/o any repercussions, right?
DMX said faggot for years in his raps…eminem said Faggot and a gay coalition came after him. I know it’s much different now, but back then. Black men got away with pushing the limits of free speech more than white men, in certain arenas. Black then, that was a black privilege. I guess “nigga” falls into that in some way,..I feel like to get what I’m saying you gotta be willing to think bigger than the thought process of there being no positive to being black in America. And I know that something a lot of people just don’t want to ever consider. And I understand why, but hey
To the effect of what I mean,..there is not one white musician that gets away with this

He knows this, he is using his black privilege..I know folks don’t wanna get what I’m saying ..it’s real tho
Go to a white restaurant and the staff is rude,..”da fuck these people think they are”..the phones get pulled out and now it’s a story on social media

Go to a black restaurant and the staff is rude..”I bet the food gone be on point”,..

This is a privilege that only black restaurants are afforded…
To a white person that wants to come off as though they are not to be fucked wit. Simply leaving the house wit some sweats, a hoody, and skully ain’t enough..like it is with us.

Barkley contemplating clip.gif

'Don't know if I'd call it a privilege, but I kind of understand what you're getting at.

Never thought of myself as a threatening or intimidating person, but I can tell that other people see me that way because of my size..............and because I wear a lot of black clothing.

Also probably because I'm relatively quiet too.

Thing is, I've noticed this with both white and black people.

They don't try to show it though.

The whites just smile and greet me.

Basically trying to make small talk more than anything else.

With blacks, it's more of a........."waddup big dog, you good?".............type of thing.

With them, they basically think I'm crazy or something and wanna make sure I'm not about to go off or anything.

Up North they would say I'm 730.
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God forbid black people come together and joke and talk about the hidden positives about being black that other races and or ethnicities don’t readily get to experience..and call them privileges because why not see being black as a privilege, something you feel privileged to be because it’s something worth being. God forbid someone tries to talk about being black in a different way besides being under the thumb of white people, like they are worthy enough to only be seen as my oppressor. Folks will say, these “niggaz” cant hold me back..

But these white folks …that’s a different story

God forbid y’all niggaz put away your fear of white people for a moment, to disconnect from thinking everything is a trick to let white people off the hook. As though a conversation on a fucking social format could do that. That’s the bugged out thing, you niggaz got ya noses in the dirt so deep, that just the thought of trying to process what I’m saying scares you into thinking just trying to consider the shit, abolishes the sins of the past.
God forbid black people come together and joke and talk about the hidden positives about being black that other races and or ethnicities don’t readily get to experience..and call them privileges because why not see being black as a privilege, something you feel privileged to be because it’s something worth being. God forbid someone tries to talk about being black in a different way besides being under the thumb of white people, like they are worthy enough to only be seen as my oppressor. Folks will say, these “niggaz” cant hold me back..

But these white folks …that’s a different story

God forbid y’all niggaz put away your fear of white people for a moment, to disconnect from thinking everything is a trick to let white people off the hook. As though a conversation on a fucking social format could do that. That’s the bugged out thing, you niggaz got ya noses in the dirt so deep, that just the thought of trying to process what I’m saying scares you into thinking just trying to consider the shit, abolishes the sins of the past.
