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Black History Month Again 2025

Things we used today that was created to disenfranchise Black Folks

Butter Pecan Ice Cream - Black folks couldn't buy nor have vanilla ice cream. It was seen as pure and only for white folks. Pecans were native to the South and black folks loved pecans down south during the Jim Crow time. We created our own. This is why old black folks, your grandparents love butter pecan ice cream so much

"To Go" plates. Black folks were not allowed to sit in white folks restaurants, white folks didn't want to have black folks in their establishment, but they did not want lose that business, so they would pack up "to go" boxes/plates for black folks

"Master Bedroom" - It was were the black woman or black girl was taken and raped. This is what black slaves referred to.

"Insurance" Black folks were the very 1st capital to be insured

Credit Scores - It was just open to get funding, the color of ones skin "white" could get them funding. Now that black folks were free, they had to put in something to stop black folks from trying to get home loans/funding besides using their skin. Credit scores were created to make it hard for black folks to get home loans
This also came with a requirement of a "reference"

"References" were created back when vagrancy laws prohibited black folks from being unemployed after slavery. You would go to jail for not having a job. In order to sign labor contracts to employed by a white planter to sharecrop, you had to have a reference as a black person, which would mean you had to be vouch for from your past slave owner.

"Treadmills" were used as a punishment for slaves, it was a machine that they called an everlasting staircase, it churn out corn or cotton, this is where the treadmill derived from.

Invoices - when black folks were freed from slavery, many of them went into sharecropping and would have to borrow items from their white employer in which they would tax the black worker at a high rate. That black worker wo

"Tipping" - Black folks couldn't earn a wage.

Bar exams or any exams alike, SAT, AP as well, before you could just enter into any profession if you just went to college.

Picnics which happened on Sundays which took place outside of black churches, they would lynch up to 12 black folks at these events. Postcards would be sent out. After the lynches, white folks would eat they bodies of black folks. They would BBQ them, boil them etc.

Paramedics - Black folks had no way to get to the hospital and no hospital to get to, it was prohibited. Hospitals was only used for white folks. The very 1st paramedics in this country were black folks.

Home Owners Association (HOAs)