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Black Generational celebrity wealth


You're the target, not the victim 🧐
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How do you legit feel about it.?

I'm high.... I'm watching this Mayweather fight... But he was talking about generational wealth.... And it legit hit me...

We have the kids of famous black people who have their own celebrity.... And while they mostly known for some gossip ass bullshit..... But at the same time.... Damn..... We really stepping out...

Lori Harvey legit known cuz her daddy Steve..

I'm not a headline chaser forreal so y'all may know the names and stories better than me.... But y'all ever take a minute to realize there's black celebrities cuz we know their parents.

Like you think Jaden woulda got on if Will wasn't his daddy?🤔
Interesting topic and funny enough using Jaden Smith as an example and how much people seem to love him and his sister now because there was definitely a time period when him and Willow Smith were still children and people had this irrational dislike of them. And people basing that mainly on the question you posed which was would they be in the public eye if not for their parents. The shift in Black folks opinion of seeing Black people just exist in a life of luxury "just because" has definitely changed and it's viewed alot more favorable than it used to be
Salute it. I've never hated on shit like that. Let these young niggas live a fabulous life that they didn't earn because they're parents paid the dues. The good thing is, this current crop of celebrities seem to have children who - if nothing else - will make sure that they kids don't fuck up the family bag.

Imagine Blue NOT knowing being financially on point by the time she reaches adulthood. Imagine Jaden spending ALL his money on weird shit and not knowing how to put away a certain amount and invest a certain amount.

Continue that shit on down the line, generation after generation, until niggas can't even remember how the original bag came. Just like everybody else.

Black oligarchs and shit.
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Shit parents posed to put their kids in position .... I just hate when them niggas force themselves to follow their parent s footsteps knowing they wack as fuck

like no one wants to hear Puffy s son wack ass music
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I feel the same way about it I feel about anyone else. Nepotism aint really a problem. Kids of the rich and famous have a right to carve out a life for themselves like erybody else kids. It's when they get positions they haven't earned or aren't qualified for. Like trump kids having govt positions or Aunt Becky's daughter goin to USC when she didnt even wana be at school.
Not something I feel any way about really. A handful (relatively) of rich black people being able to provide for future generations of their family is cool but doesn't really mean much for the rest of us.
I feel a lot if not most lot of these black celebrities and athletes ( especially Mayweather) wealth, will prob end with them. I see them amass a ton of money but are content with having no really knowledge in how to keep that money. And seem to pass that on to their children.

See a lot of their kids grow up with millionaire parents, go to elite private schools but dont seem to know much more than regular kids that go to meh schools. Their plans seem to either be make money from being famous as so and so's kid or be a top athlete like their parent. If either of those dont work out its like they pretty much make other people rich by getting finessed out that money.

Wasting all the top resources they have in front of them, just to give all the money back to white people or scammers.