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OPINION Billionaire pedo Epstein Arrested for Sex Trafficking of Minors | Update: Audio uncovered over 100 hours recordings of Epstein talking about Trump

Steps in the playbook

1. Epstein gave somebody family some money.
2. They fake beat him up.
3. Epstein high money/power lawyers going to go back to the judge. My client is not safe in jail, he needs to be released on the strictest house arrest policy you all have.
4. Epstein has the jet gassed up for his release and he flies off to a country with no extradition and pulls a Roman Polanski
That actually happened on How to get away w murder

From a purely logical standpoint, I get what he's saying, but now ain't the time or the climate to make such an argument. It's in poor taste and he's not being genuine in his concern, but I can see the logical line he's drawing connecting the two.

It's akin to the argument commonly made to lower the legal drinking age back down to 18. An 18 year old has the ability to buy cigarettes, vote for president, and die for this country in war but we won't trust an 18 year old to purchase their own alcohol (nevermind that it's perfectly legal in most states for a child to drink as long as their parents are around).

The deposition was part of a federal defamation lawsuit Giuffre had filed against Maxwell in 2015. The suit was ultimately settled out of court for an undisclosed sum, and the case documents remained hidden from the public—that is, until this Friday, when a New York appeals court unsealed 2,000 documents related to the defamation lawsuit.
In her deposition, Giuffre claimed the wealthy financier and Maxwell ordered her to have sex with former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, former Senator George Mitchell, Hyatt hotels executive chairman Tom Pritzker, the late MIT professor Marvin Minsky, and fund manager Glenn Dubin, among others.