This show is ass. I might quit for god after this season. And what the hell happened with that dr. will neighbor gimmick? Did they just abandon that shit?
It's about to get real now.
These dumb broads can never stick together.
Well, can't put it on Christmas, because she sees the writing on the wall.
This is all on Nicole.
Glad they're both about to get taken out because I don't care for either one of them.
Nicole's gonna feel sick when she's sitting in the jury house with two men in the Final 2......knowing that it could've been her and Christmas in the Final 2 if she had just used the POV on Christmas.
She really thinks Memphis is going home tonight.
Can't wait to see her cry when she realizes she's been played.
Scary ass house.
These people are scared to do anything to rock the boat.
The best thing for Cody and Enzo's game would be to vote Christmas out...........or split the vote and have Nicole vote him out.
With two women in the house, if given a choice, neither of them is gonna take a man to Final 2.
Problem is the clout chasing. All these mfs on the show for clout instead of trying to win the grand prize. Alot of em satisfied with the stipend and screen time.
Obviously this allstars so its next level but I think they need to get away from casting people that know too much about the show. Get some more David's.
Thank god for big brother Canada cause bbus ain't it no more.
I think it's the opposite though.
Meaning, people are too scared to make any big moves because they're afraid it'll jeopardize their chances of winning the grand prize.
Basically, everybody thinks they're gonna make it to Final 2..........when, obviously, only 2 people actually will.
Nah we've seen all season mfs worried about their image outside the house. From davonne and bayleigh telling everyone they voting black instead of just doing it like fools, from Nicole's various breakdowns, Christmas breakdowns, Tyler's breakdowns and wanting to quit for blm but curving that shit when they said they'll fuck his stipend up, enzo talking big shit then falling in line week after week.
Even Janelle after getting evicted was on twitter for weeks bussing shots every chance she could. Kaysar doing cast. Shit is all cringe.
Only mf there to win everything rn is cody and the streets saying Derrick influenced and set that up before the game.
We'll see what happens next season with fresh faces but I'm guessing just more bullshit.
Only thing good about this season was they're self aware so we didn't get the typical racist bullshit and subsequent cover up by production.
We got Christmas going Karen for a week that was it.