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Poll Better Animated Series: Batman TAS vs X-Men TAS

Better Animated Series: Batman TAS vs X-Men TAS

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The very first episode....

The pilot...

Was manbat....

And that shit was like a movie.... So much so they could have done a man bat movie....

Shit was so dramatic.... Like.... You knew right off the bat... This ain't no normal cartoon
The very first episode....

The pilot...

Was manbat....

And that shit was like a movie.... So much so they could have done a man bat movie....

Shit was so dramatic.... Like.... You knew right off the bat... This ain't no normal cartoon
Not to mention the fact that this series was the first of its kind to put the light on lesser known bad guys that people forgot about or just didn’t care for. And Man-Bat is a prime example not many people cared for him, but the story telling was so gripping that you gave a damn and others like: The Clock King, Baby Doll, Lyle Bolton, and it breathed life into older characters like: Mr. Freeze and The Mad Hatter this hands down is one of the greatest cartoons to ever air period their is no debate their is no other cartoon that tops it!
Spiderman went too deep into the comics....


They never paid off that madam spider storyline.... And we needed more silver surfer
How do ya’ll feel about the 2005 “ The Batman” cartoon? That was another underrated show to me and I feel it gets overlooked, but it almost matches the BTAS 90’s show in terms of atmosphere for the city of Gotham it had that eerie, dark, and creepy vibe almost to a tee like the 90’s show.
How do ya’ll feel about the 2005 “ The Batman” cartoon? That was another underrated show to me and I feel it gets overlooked, but it almost matches the BTAS 90’s show in terms of atmosphere for the city of Gotham it had that eerie, dark, and creepy vibe almost to a tee like the 90’s show.
Nah, after batman beyond everything else was meh to wack
How do ya’ll feel about the 2005 “ The Batman” cartoon? That was another underrated show to me and I feel it gets overlooked, but it almost matches the BTAS 90’s show in terms of atmosphere for the city of Gotham it had that eerie, dark, and creepy vibe almost to a tee like the 90’s show.
I fucked with it
I could never get into X-men. It wasn’t entertaining to me

it doesn’t help that every time I watched it it was the sentinels bullshit when what’s his face “died”