Welcome To aBlackWeb

Best/Worst ABW Moments of 2017

Best moments: the games and the got damn competitiveness. That RnB mortal kombat brought out the worst in me at times. Spades had me on 10.

Worst: none.

I would say having to use this stupid VPN shit.

So the times we had.... they were great too?
Pico retired b..
You don't know her like I kno her.... she... she...

Good times:

  • the new members, both familiar and unfamiliar
  • the games
  • both people's mods threads
  • auction threads
  • the thread prefixes to put in front of threads (ex Out Now, Coming Soon, etc). Really felt like this was a good way to bring attention to certain threads
Things I would like to see improved:
  • the abw store. Had a spark when it started. Specifically, the robbery stuff.
  • the betting system. I'm still hopeful this becomes automated sooner rather than later
  • member participation. It would be nice for people to visit other forums outside of the cool table. You cant know if stuff exist already if you dont venture out into other threads. There are some really great discussions outside of the cool table.
  • Sports forum. This is tough as I'm not sure what its going to take to get this section more jumping, but I am extremely happy with the progress that has taken place in just one year.
  • the VPN shit that keeps certain folks from being as active as they would like to be. I still havent found a solution for this.
Things that need to stay in 2017:
  • corny shit
  • bitchassness
  • bitch ass niggas
Kandy is in Houston

Cain is in one of those Carolinas

Race is in Philly

and why those three people??
Didn't kandy leave the US for a vacation a while ago? We know that they're all mobile users, so have they tried connecting to the site via wifi, if they're networks data won't allow it.
Didn't kandy leave the US for a vacation a while ago? We know that they're all mobile users, so have they tried connecting to the site via wifi, if they're networks data won't allow it.

i dont remember all the specifics mayne
Things that need to stay in 2017:
  • corny shit
  • bitchassness
  • bitch ass niggas
Welp, I guess AP retiring
Things that need to stay in 2017:
  • corny shit
  • bitchassness
  • bitch ass niggas
Welp, I guess AP retiring

right after you do witcha hit dog hollering ass