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Added to Calendar: 08-15-24

Bro.... they not doing what i htink they doin wit Calrton and the gay nigga getting buddy buddy wit him are they?
I'm enjoying the show still. It's a chill watch, but this writing is eh...

The DJ playing down for my niggas for 3 dudes to dance made me laugh. But no problem.

But why are Carlton and Will searching for celebrities to get the word out about their brand but haven't asked Hillary's fiance?

How the hell they win a street race going a longer, off course route? Going slow through alleys and shit.

Spoiler from the most recent episode in the next sentence.

How the hell Amira fall or in that pool and nobody notice? They have lifeguards I thought. Isn't that what Lisa does there? And if she's out and not breathing, why isn't Lisa doing CPR? She's a lifeguard... that's what they do, haha..

This writing is rough, haha. They bring good drama though.
?? Damn who now?

Just finished episode 9, BTW. I was about to lose it if Hilary hooked up with Jazz. Mainly because she really started pogo hoping between these dudes.

I knew Carlton's psycho girl was all bs. The actress plays crazy well.
?? Damn who now?

Just finished episode 9, BTW. I was about to lose it if Hilary hooked up with Jazz. Mainly because she really started pogo hoping between these dudes.

I knew Carlton's psycho girl was all bs. The actress plays crazy well.

lamarcus dies after the wedding (at least it appears that way)
Oh I forgot any other wack piece of writing.

Gassing up Blackccess. Man... they spent all that time and effort thinking up a business, got in that highly coveted summer program, working with a billionaire to find investors. And what do they come up with? Selling fucking t shirts and hoodies, haha.
3 some with Jackie and Hillary.

They still havent figured out what to do with Ashley, shes just there.

They almost got me making Phil and Viv swingers.

I liked the Jeffrey stuff.