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Added to Calendar: 09-06-24

I remember reading years ago Keaton would go to Burtons house every Halloween in full Beetlejuice makeup for years fucking with him trying to get a sequel made. I guess he finally won him over. I'm down
I was trying to think and you right, lol. It was just a fun annd funny ass movie.

I guess if there was a plot it was about the dead couple trying to navigate a weird ass after life. But they never had a goal other than to co-exist with the living in the house.
The plot was about a couple who died while trying to fix up their new home or some shit

They become ghosts and then a new family moves into the house and they try to scare them away but nothing is happening so they call for the big guns to come and help but didn't account for all the stuff that came with the genie getting out the bottle