Yeah only channel i watch are champion.. and the interviews from 15mofe and hhir.
I tried to make some threads on here in the vein of being useful for new eyes, kind of like a starter kit.. but i haven't really had the participation in those threads i would've liked. Not really sure what a blogger can do for beginners.
You notice i make these ppv threads in advance.. the aim is to get new people to click on it so they can see a free ppv is next week if they want to check it out. We haven't had any real constructive convo about battle rap lately though
and you just doing that to me is better than what they are doing
champion appears to have jumped the shark a long ass time ago and is a stark contrast from where they were when they started
idk man, something never sat right with me with these niggas playing dress up and you got this one bozo with that dusty ass headband on while wearing a suit.
the first free caffeine event they were live blogging from sounded and looked like some shit they threw together in the parking lot. I expect that from dudes trying to get into BR media, but not an actual brand almost synonymous w BR culture. Anwar adds absolutely nothing to the show. The headband nigga...nothing...idk if the white dude is still there, but nothing...why is he there
jay looking more and more stressed out with each episode that passes from having to do all the legwork and even he manages to come of corny at times by proxy from being around them. Im not saying you gotta be in tall tees and girbauds, but what is the image you trying to send to the fans?
Its a shame the white dude ...forgot his name...but he got a weird name but the dude that be revisiting battles with the contestants...thats what champion should be doing. Breaking down battles and stop trying to speculate shit...
like i said man, idk if im qualified to speak on the shit but this why i wasnt as engaged with BR at the start of covid b/c they didnt do anything to keep my attention while there were no battles at first.
I honestly honestly think that at this point, if people stopped fucking around, ABW BR could start challenging these dudes within a year. Thats how much faith i have in ya'll over them and the fact that it will only take a year says more about them that with this much of head start, no one is really leading the pack like that.