Geechi gonna 3peat? That’s nuts. Due to what’s going on right now it’s tough to even call it.It's going to come down to either geechi, ill will, shine or nitty.
Ill will actually has a really good chance at winning. Battled geechi, ave, serius jones, illmac, pass and a few more exhibition battles and arguably won each convincingly.
Shine battled roc, nitty, reed, had 3 2on2s.. nitty battled a lesser strength of schedule but put on for the culture. And of course geechi but his win/loss is up for debate.
I won't be surprised if ill will slides in and steals this one.
Hey guys who’s the champion of the year so far
Geechi gonna 3peat? That’s nuts. Due to what’s going on right now it’s tough to even call it.
If he didn't shed light on Twork recycling/deposit stealing, fans would be all under him. Just say you hate his puppet and go....Except JayBlac was already saying an update is coming a week before that dnatooth blog.. yall gotta stop giving that lame a spotlight