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Having a tournament for the new comers is a legit idea. Like UFF, theres a few potential stars in the pgs... put them through the gauntlet. Even hitman said he’ll take a rookie on the same card surf takes one
It aint even about Surf really. How many new fans you think one of them will get if they run through everybody in that tournament and get a top tier battle? Hitman and Verb both said they'd be down to take a rookie if Surf does. You just skipped all the banned legacies and survivor series.... But let somebody ego tell it, they being lil man'd so they good.

I'm saying cuz apparently Swamp and Jey the Nightwing acting like they too good for it, and Ace Amin talking in circles like he do. Shit, this sound like an easy come up if you supposed to be the best PG.