Sage Wonder
Scary Hours
Never thought of it, but Mook vs Arsonal could be fire.
Has Calicoe done anything after he got buried by Lux??
aight, i'ma peepHe had one of the best battles last year vs Ill Will
vs Tsu Surfaight, i'ma peep
what about Conceited
i think i saw that one, but since i dont really remember, i'ma peep it again. Actually got it open in another tab now for latervs Tsu Surf
ThisConceited always came off corny at times, especially nearly a decade later, but he pioneered alot of shit going on today.
Aight we need to talk about this. Cuz i never considered ave’s resume but its pretty solid. Nitty is an all time classic, Suge Red & Shine debatable Ls... but everything else is a W.
What does Ave need to do to take his career to its next peak?
How is Charron getting all these battles.