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It’s amazing how easily URL pulls the wool over some of these niggas in BRC communities eyes.. Does any of this make up for URL trying sabotage Eazy & Chrome’s card or the bullshit lawsuit against RBE.. How does any that putting niggas on slave contracts to hold down their worth.. Niggas are just sadly gullible.. Just 2 weeks ago Smack running around saying battlerap dead.. Andall they have to do release an average card and label it a Volume card..And now URL is great again.. SMH…
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It’s amazing how easily URL pulls the wool over some of these niggas in BRC com eyes.. Does any of this make up for URL trying sabotage Eazy & Chrome’s card or the bullshit lawsuit against RBE.. How does any that putting niggas on slave contracts to hold down their worth.. Niggas are just sadly gullible.. Just 2 weeks ago Smack running around saying battlerap dead.. Andall they have to do release an average card and label it a Volume card..And now URL is great again.. SMH…
I agree they been on bs. Battlerap needs the 3 majors tho
Apparently there is a list going around on the Battlerap darkwebs about niggas in BRC(battlers & bloggers) about who’s going to publicly get hands & feet put on them at events or wherever else publicly for talking to much shit about various niggas in the community…
These niggas are talking about a battlerap cleansing.. this is like some purge type shit.. They’re tired of trolling & the disrespek *Birdman voice*.. Hopefully they get the Cookie Taker first or that battlerap Alex Jones wannabe first…