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Added to Calendar: 06-07-24

Watching the first and then any of the others makes you realise the job that was done on Martin Lawerence's character. He went from being Mike Lowery's equal to a comedy sidekick, who's not particualry funny. Only time he showed anything is when Reggie came to the door.
I'd rather watch Bad Boys 4 times than watch 2 3 and 4

It's just that old saying about sequels its hard to duplicate the OG. This franchise proves that

Will was the one who dropped the ball on the Bad Boys franchise... Yeah parts 3 and 4 have made money but I felt they should have been made way earlier

Martin got him on board the project but by the time Part 2 was released, Will was the biggest movie star in the world

BB2 was so inferior to the OG even if it cost more... Will I read didn't like the script and was fussy

Martin wanted a part 3 more than a decade ago while they were still considerably younger (40+ years old) but Will kept stalling and apparently feeling himself

Now Martin overweight and 60 years old, it doesn't look plausible watching middle aged police men murking guys half their age, (Beverley Hills Cop 4 too) to me at least... They're talking about a part 5... They should kill it now in my opinion

But it's whatever ... I'll still see it though



Yeah, this was dope.

Reggie's scene and that helicopter scene were the best parts imo.

Martin needs to get checked out in real life tho. Makeup can only do so much. My guy really gotta keep an eye on his health now that he gettin' older.
We loved it and we saw it the weekend it came out. Makes you really appreciate the work of niggas like Martin and Will over the years to still be out there doing it.