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Baby decapitated during delivery

According to the suit, the baby got stuck during delivery, but St. Julian delayed a surgical procedure and failed to seek help quickly. Instead, she applied “ridiculously excessive force” on the baby’s head and neck to try to deliver it, attorney Roderick Edmond, who is also a physician, said.

Roughly three hours passed before St. Julian took Ross, 20, for a cesarean section, according to the suit. By then, a fetal monitor had stopped registering a heartbeat.

The cesarean section removed the baby's legs and body, but the head was delivered vaginally, according to Edmond.
That had to have been disturbing as hell to see
And my thing is I hate carelessness. I understand mistakes even if I wouldn’t react well to it. Like a situation where it was a high chance the baby would pass during delivery or something and they tried and it just didn’t work out.

But it’s not many situations I can see accident decapitation with modern medicine.

I remember reading about Dorothy Dandrudge and how her daughter was born disabled due to a doctor. And she was rich.
There's got to be a line for what to and not to post. Where's the discussion in this? All this did is just fucked up niggas Friday. Smh.
Have mercy.......

It later added that St. Julian was not an employee of the hospital, and it had “taken the appropriate steps in response to this unfortunate situation.”

Ross and Taylor, 21, did not speak at Wednesday’s news conference. Their attorneys also accused Southern Regional staff of trying to cover up the decapitation by discouraging the couple from getting an autopsy, encouraging them to have their son cremated and wrapping and propping his body to make it appear the head was still attached.
I think some doctors operate out of private practices and utilize hospital facilities strictly for delivery, so they can possibly work out of there but not be employed by them.... shrugs