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NSFW Azealia Banks... MisUnderstood

eh I ain't gonna hold you she has good and bad looking moments I'd smash I think she has a nice smile body is fair face average personality she has good and bad moments I'd pipe her though either way especially when she act crazy crazy pussy is the best shit is unpredictable lmao
she ain't completely ass ugly it's a combination of the weird ass expressions she makes lmao and a lazy ass stylist who throws together bullshit on her and she just cool with that shit lmao
I think she's cute got a pretty smile I don't think she's crazy I think she just has an opinion and not everyone is on board for her opinion so she's disliked for her point of view I like her she's a rebel a misfit I think that's sexy individuality not the stat quo her body is like a 6 though lmao pussy probably decent I'd fuck her heart out in front of people doing the John Travolta point lmao