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COMMUNITY As The Story Continues.


Site President
We are going to be writing a story. Anybody can join in. In order to add to the story, you must say “next”. We need you to say “next” so the story can make sense. To prevent everyone from dropping shit when they want to.

Once you say “next”, you have three hours from that time to post. If you come in just posting when you want to, it will be deleted.

Let’s begin!

It was a hot summer day in Houston, Texas. My a/c was broke, so I had to leave the front door and windows open. The mosquitos were tearing my ass up. It mustve rained last night because it feels muggy. The wind ain’t even blowing. Jayden was outside playing at the playground with them bad ass kids who live around here. Pookie, his best friend, came and knocking early this morning for him to come outside. Pookie wasnt as bad as the other kids, that’s why I didn’t mind Jayden playing with him. I took that time to clean the house while he was outside. I turned on my radio and commercials were on, so I turned it down. As, I’m sweeping the living room, I hear some voices coming from outside. I’m nosey as hell, so I walked to the front door and looked out.

“Why are you mad JawnTayvius?” the girl said.

“Girl, that was 2k18! I just got that shit!” the guy said.

“Well you shouldn’t have spent the rent money on weed!” I screamed.​

Whenever I get on tomorrow I got next after who is up at the time. Too tired to cook right now.
"Shut the fuck up Bitch! Ain't nobody talking to your funky ass! " JT belted back to me

"Yea iight nigga,,I ain't gonna be too many more of your bitches!" I shouted back...laughing....

When I closed the door, Dante was standing there..judging. I hated that shit.

He was supposed to be my man, but all he did was talk shit. Talk about how my house raggedy.'ok nigga,, you gotta nother place to stay? Ain't like you pay rent around here no way'

But he ain't say nuffin this time....he just stared at me.

"It's just JT crazy ass" I don't even know why I'm explaining myself to this nigga "you know we joke like that, it's nuffin"

"Nuffin?" Dante responded....

He always had that annoying cocky look to his face. Like he was above anything petty. But he was so full of shit...almost every word made me rip the skin off his face

" man call young bull's mother a Bitch right in front of him, but it's nuffin" Dante said without even looking up at me.

I guess he kinda did have a point. But me and JT were tight. I've lived in this community going on 6 years. I know it's the hood. It's ghetto. My parents think it's unsafe. But it's warm here to me.

JawnTaviyus "JT" ran the 4 or 5 blocks in this community, and he just so happened to live right next door to us.

He was loud, wild, crazy, rude, he always smelled like weed, always fighting or threatening to shoot somebody, but I swear from the day I moved around here, he always looked out for us.

Dante was just jealous. I only been dealing with him for like 7 months. I highly doubt we'd make it a full year.

But JT. That's the Homie. I always laugh when I think of the day my sister and girl cousins moved me in 7 years ago while JT and his boys watched us struggle with the furniture till he finally said

"Is y'all bitches gonna ask for help? Or y'all them independent I don't need no nigga type of hoes?"

From day fucking 1
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I'm scared to go after yall two mfs, but fuck it!

This nigga Du is a genius with this shit and Kandy needs to write a story already and quit playin
I'm scared to go after yall two mfs, but fuck it!

This nigga Du is a genius with this shit and Kandy needs to write a story already and quit playin
Come on Gold Tooth. Drop that heat!

I might drop my incomplete ass story.
Idk how long I can put up with this bitch's mouth and dusty ass apartment. I mean the ass is phat and the pussy's good but fuck all that, that's what got me in this position in the first place. I think I'ma have to speed things up. It's going on 7 months and I was only supposed to be here for a few hours to dig in her guts. The night I met Keish I came here to Houston from Philly to visit my cousin for his birthday, bagged her and took her back to her spot, but I was so drunk I ended up staying the night. While she was cooking breakfast for us the next day I heard the new Future blasting from a car outside. While I was walking towards the window to see who it was, Keisha said "oh that's just that nigga JT ".

The nigga was posted up with the chromed out beamer coupe. As I'm looking out the window, Keisha's gossipping ass starts telling me the run down on homie and his whole operation. I can tell by the way she was describing the nigga she fucked him before. I didn't give af at that point cuz I knew I found a jackpot.

" Yo D!!" Jayden shouted

"What's good lil homie" I said while blowing out a cloud of weed smoke.

" Pookie wants to know if you can be permanent QB for a 3 vs 3"

"Tell the lil nigga I got yall, give me about 20 mins"

"He said he'll do it!" Jayden yelled out while running back to his group of friends.
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Jayden loved having Dante around, since his daddy stays in and out of prison. He grew really close to Dante in such a short period of time. I didn’t want him getting close to him, he was just a fling. I see his smile and how they interact, I would hate to break that’s up. So I just deal with his ass.

“Aye baby, I’m about to go outside to play all with Jay.”

“Okay, I’ll have y’all some food ready when y’all are done.”

“That’s a bet.”

Just as Dante walked to the door to open it, there was someone standing at the door. A large dark figure.

“Oh shit!!!” I screamed.

“Who the fuck is this nigga?!” Dante said as he looked at me like he wanted to slap the black off me.
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Yea I'll take next...I'll drop in a sec I needs catch up
It was like time itself stopped...

'Speak of the devil and watch him appear' was all Keisha could think as she locked eyes with a man she hadn't seen in 4 years

"P-P-Peanut?........Wh-When you get out?" Keisha asked as Jayden's father scanned the room and found himself locked eyes with Dante again.

Peanut figured Keisha would have some nigga living with her. That was no surprise. She kept then coming and going.

Peanut already knew about JT
. That took nothing to find out about. He had homies keep tabs on her, and when they found out she had moved to Pinewood park, it was soon after JT's name popped up.

But this guy standing here, this wasn't JT. Naw this wasn't JT at all. Peanuts first vibes was this guy was much worse.

"They let me out last week, it took me forever to find out where y'all live now" Peanut lied as he looked Dante up and down

"What's going on Homie, I don't mean to intrude,, I'm Jayden's dad, I was just hoping to get a few words with his mom if that's alright with you?" Peanut studied Dante's face.....

Dante could care less. 'Just another nigga running in and out this shit,, it's to be expected' he thought to himself

"Naw brother, don't bother me none. This her place any way. I just hang out here like everybody else apparently" Dante replied, only to hear Keisha suck her teeth in annoyance...

That made him smile.

"But naw,, y'all go head and talk, imma head out here and play football with these boys"

Dante started for the door then stopped "shit, where are my manners, you want me to call Jayden over.....what was it? Peanut?"

Peanut smiled "yea you funny as shit. Naw Homie, I ain't gotta see little man right now. Go head and play football with them. He need a good football type nigga in his life,,I just gotta holla at this little lady right quick"

"Fine by me, Keish, I'm out front, holla if you need me"

And just like that Dante disappeared out the door...

Keisha just looked shaking her head, thinking to herself how Dante ain't worth a shit.

What if she wasn't good?
Could he even tell that she was scared shit less?
Did he care?

The last person in the world she wanted to be left alone with was now standing less than 10 feet from her with that same evil ass smile.

She could never tell if he would hug her or punch her when he smiled like that. It was impossible to determine.

He smiled like that the first time he held Jayden. And he smiled like that when he shot old man Pete 4 times in the stomach and once in the head. He smiled the whole time. Keisha saw it, and here she was seeing that smile again...in her kitchen.

"Your man?" Peanut asked....his grin was threatening to bust right off his face.

"Yea" she took a deep breath "that's Dante"

She went in her cupboard for two glasses "drinking?" She asked her baby father

"Only if you got Jack"he replied
"I always got Jack, Peanut"
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Damnnnnn, this nigga Du be raisin the bar high
I was gonna continue it cuz I do wanna see how this story ends up, but ABW Armageddon started and I pushed everything else to the side lol