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Are You Good At Small Talk?

Not much of a talker at all unless I'm drinking lol. Or it's a topic i'm knowledgeable or passionate about. Other than that I'm quiet as a fuckin church mouse.
That should make you perfect for small talk lol
guess it depends where

an elevator or in line at the checkout, maybe a lil

but like on a plane or long car ride, nah... got headphones on or readin a book
I fuckin hate it but I'm good at it
People sense that and it's the worse, especially if I'm at work
I don't like small talk while waiting for a meeting to start...I don't care what you have planned this weekend...I don't care what you had for lunch... I know it's supposed to rain...lets just handle bidness and get on with it
i love small talk.
it always lead to surprising results.

some of yall just mean as fuck and take life too serious,

ole no gain no chat ass niggas
Hate small talk but I’m pretty good at it just because I’m fluent in bullshit...I can turn a meaningless sentence into a fuckin’ thesis if need be lol
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If its not for a purpose of me obtaining a thing that I want ..I could care less for it, and won't indulge others in it..

But if it's to obtain sometimes I want

Ima goat baby


We can shit talk and monologue wit the best of em..

Then after I get what I want and they see me again and they talk it me..

You got me fucked up..when did we become friends ?

Yall some wanna be anti social chatty patties, ya hate to see it.