Welcome To aBlackWeb

Are you different online than you are offline?

I honestly think im actually funnier offline cuz I can be mad loud and animated at times.... And I make fun of people by talking like them allot....

There's a lot of shit that I think is hilarious irl that just doesn't translate online....

But yea Jamel funny as fuck......
my tone and how i say shit makes things funny irl.
i can more of an ass but for the most part.......im chilled and laid back
lol if everybody the same, a lot of you niggas must get hit in your shit often

Niggas will be debating Colors vs white and right on time, one be like “How the fuck you wash Whites w/o bleach you shithead dumbass motherfucker, you just skip bleach cause you allergent? Nasty ass bitch nigga”

Lol good point here. I think folks a lil more extreme online. But this group has a lot of familiarity
I think I’m more extreme offline. Way more dramatic and goofy too. I talk way more also.

So if it’s bad on here, it ain’t no better offline.
im not really a trouble maker or nothing

but im a lot less friendly tbh

I usually dont make friends until people initiate it with me....then later its revealed "man I thought u were an asshole at first, but you cool"

like I'll go to somebody's house I know....and it could be 10 people sitting in a room.....i will walk thru and dap each and every person I KNOW, and not even look the rest of em in the face lmao

only one dude got mad one time like wtf is his problem? but we cleared it up

im kinda stand offish and ornery with dudes, so I cant ever let myself seem jocked out or like im geeked to be your friend

shit just comes from living wrong and being outcasted most of my life

i'd be cool with all ya'll at the ABW meet up because I "know" ya'll so its no tension
However you perceive me online isn't too far from the reality offline

same shit I say on here I'll say irl, prolly more amplified in person