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OPINION Are Black Men That Don't Honor The Nod Automatically Coons?

Busta Carmichael

LOT - Full-Time Kufi/Yarmulke Smacker
The nod is universal and a unspoken code between men of african decent throughout the planet.

It happens in every continent I've been in. Just a sign of respect.

Had a cousin trying to fight this older black man because he didn't nod back lmao.

If they don't nod back they're in the sunken place or coons.

its connection thing.

i do it all the time but its usually them uppity niggas that look at me like im going to rob them.

i look at it as a simple hello gesture.
man i live in europe an i do the shit to other black dudes all the time.

usually when american niggas come over they refuse to honor this code unless they lonely or lost.

and im an old head at that.

respect for your brother knows no age
Now that I think of it,

Ive never witnessed a black woman do the nod to another black woman.
My job requires me to be incognito so people aren't supposed to talk to me. This cute chick started giving me the 'chin up' nod.

My mind was blown. Damn near bought that bitch a wedding ring.
man i live in europe an i do the shit to other black dudes all the time.

usually when american niggas come over they refuse to honor this code unless they lonely or lost.

and im an old head at that.

respect for your brother knows no age
My job requires me to be incognito so people aren't supposed to talk to me. This cute chick started giving me the 'chin up' nod.

My mind was blown. Damn near bought that bitch a wedding ring.

what, you tired of being a fluffer for gay porn cause yall trying to crack a big case of homos smuggling drugs in the country?
I nod at everyone and I'm not even black. If you make eye contact with someone and don't wave or nod it looks weird, like you're grilling them
No lie, I be thinking bout that shit when a nigga don't nod back.

Know what creeps me out? When white guys at work give me the up nod and not the down nod. Shits weird to me.