Anybody seen the live action Full Metal Alchemist on Netflix?

The Lonious Monk

Celestial Souljah
Jan 8, 2018
It's pretty dope. The SFX are on point, and it basically follows the anime exactly. I didn't finish it because it's kinda long, but I have to guess that it stops at a point that necessitates that there will be sequels.

The only thing that was weird for me is seeing the Elric brothers as Japanese people. Everybody else, I could see, but them dudes were unquestionably some Aryans. It is what it is though. It's still good.
I thought it was ok. I caught myself nickpicking but not as bad as when the Last Airbender came out. They did a good job with the character designs and I didn’t mind the story. I kinda wished it was a bit more expanded to cover other early episodes but it probably would of been a 3 plus hour movie. Not the best but it was worth watching.
I added it too my list but haven't watched it yet. The effects look good tho.
It was ight. I know it' anime based. But my homie Mustang is a white man

Gluttony was corny

Smash on lust