COMMUNITY Anonymous Get It Off Ur Chest Thread


and Baka's got a weird case, why is he around??
Site Owner
Jan 14, 2017
The Burbs
Being that it's a new year, I think it'll be best to get everything off your chest.

This thread is for people who don't wanna get into a long back and forth, but wanna say what needs to be said.

No posts will be revealed in this thread, so feel free to talk your shit.​
My twin brother @Ironman can be a little annoying and corny from time to time. Especially with them wack ass gifs and smiles.
Fuck anonymous.
Im mad all yall niggas is pimps and macks in ur posts, but can't find one female to bring to ABW :word?:

Props to @OhMars for bringin a honey to the site tho
Im mad all yall niggas is pimps and macks in ur posts, but can't find one female to bring to ABW :word?:

Props to @OhMars for bringin a honey to the site tho
I did lol like others she doesn't really post that much.
I be considering that shit but,...none of em would really post much


Then I’d have to interact wit them on the regular cause I be here on the regular.
I be considering that shit but,...none of em would really post much


Then I’d have to interact wit them on the regular cause I be here on the regular.
