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Breaking News Andrew Gillum found in Miami Beach hotel room with gay escort, suspected drugs, police say

He's been advised well.

Being part of the LGBT is more profitable than not being involved, and also helps lessen those racial discrimination and prejudices.
He's been advised well.

Being part of the LGBT is more profitable than not being involved, and also helps lessen those racial discrimination and prejudices.

this is dumb.

mans was caught on camera, high as giraffe nuts, surrounded by gay men and its now some hidden agenda for money and power???

bul likes dick. thats it and thats all
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The conspiracy theorist in me leads me to think the people responsible for elevating him politically knew about this all along. The bigger the skeletons the easier it is to control him.
this is dumb.

mans was caught with men and its now some hidden agenda for money and power

bul likes dick. thats it and thats all

I'm not disputing his comments, merely stating the benefit.

He's severely tarnished his livelihood, politicians learn how to obfuscate and use double-speak so he did not have to state those are his sexual preferences.

It would be naive to think his advisers did not present him with the pro's and con's of his comments in the interview.

One of the pro's being sympathy/forgiveness which could lead to salvaging his political career or parlay it into writing a book or crafting a path into TV etc... anything that can allow him to still making his previous level of income, if not more.
this is dumb.

mans was caught on camera, high as giraffe nuts, surrounded by gay men and its now some hidden agenda for money and power???

bul likes dick. thats it and thats all
Not a hidden agenda

more like a well advise move to turn a potential career killer into positive momentum for political positioning nationally

He was never supposed to be exposed...but now that he is...instead of fighting the shit...lean into it.
I think Andrew is still in denial but also tired of living a lie. I'm not saying he wanted to get busted like that and exposed but maybe now he can finally go back to the drawing board and start to accept who he is - a gay man. His desire to live the lifestyle he always wanted probably became stronger than his political calling. Maybe it's damage control or maybe his wife did indeed know he was gay when she married him but now it's more or less over. In the near future Andrew will most likely divorce his wife and start a new chapter of his life as a full-fledged homosexual man.