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Funny-looking pants

Honestly I thought this episode would be the break but I guess they like to draw things out.

I don't trust Mon's daughter
I reckon she will inevitably snitch on her mom somehow, perhaps in thinking she's having an affair with Tay Kolma when really it's all rebellion activity. She seems too much of a daddy's girl

Sirkis gonna die in the break out, I'm almost sure of it. Similar to Aldhani there will need to be casualties and I guess a couple of black dudes (one on andors table and the other one he talked to this episode) will go out too.

Ulaf must have been serving a long ass sentence to be that old and feeble, yet still doing this manual labor sentence!

So Sirkis didn't die... On camera at least. But if he didn't jump, surely the guards would have fucked him up or killed him as he was seen by the announcer and also addressed the whole prison... So I'd take some reasonable comfort in being right here

Dunno what happened to the black dude on andor's table but the other young dude did die and even one of the guards who was black 🤦‍♂️

That gangsta dude that met with Mon is sleazy. The same way he probably washes dirty money through legit businesses, he's tryna do so his reputation via getting his son in with a senator's daughter... Mon might pimp her daughter out though 😬
Every scene with Luthen and Saw is intense lol. I like how Luthen escaped from the Imperial Ship. Emotionally heavy episode with the death of Andor's mother. Crazy how a droid can express grief and you feel it. We see grief overcome Andor at the end
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