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AMC - Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches (Season 2, 1/5/25)

Lol Rowan's pregnant? Did this happen in the books? Does she keep it?

So was Lasher like fuck this girl or what. Why didn't he help her?

I'm guessing Rowan asks for Lasher's help and gets bonded with him again

Damn the family is like fuck you now lol

I'm guessing Rowan being pregnant is a huge deal. Although why should it be if she's not the designee anymore

Wtf did Rowan do to him? Show him what his ALS is going to do to him?

So is Ciprien stuck?

Well that was a quick exit

They should probably destroy the video

Family gonna hate her now. Although this is really Lasher's fault for bonding with Tessa but abandoning her

Rowan using Lasher will be interesting in the episode
Season definitely had a slow start because it's been getting with each episode recently IMO

Damn there's only 1 more episode left
Light spoilers from book

yes Rowan is pregnant in the books. And it's a major part of Lasher's plan

But outside of that... All this is new. Nothing else that happened in this episode happened in the books. None of it...

No witch hunters
No getting stuck in dreams
No Lasher abandoning a new designee
No Rowan killing people like that.
No Mona Mayfair getting shot (who Tessa is obviously supposed to be)

The only thing that happened in the books is that Michael drowns and losses his powers when Rowan gives him CPR

Cip is a mixture of Michael and AARON, so I wonder if he still has his powers
Light spoilers from book

yes Rowan is pregnant in the books. And it's a major part of Lasher's plan

But outside of that... All this is new. Nothing else that happened in this episode happened in the books. None of it...

No witch hunters
No getting stuck in dreams
No Lasher abandoning a new designee
No Rowan killing people like that.
No Mona Mayfair getting shot (who Tessa is obviously supposed to be)

The only thing that happened in the books is that Michael drowns and losses his powers when Rowan gives him CPR

Cip is a mixture of Michael and AARON, so I wonder if he still has his powers
Who is she pregnant by? Did it happen quickly in the books like the show?

I'm ok with the witch hunters because it adds a bit of realism

Lasher abandoning her kind of makes sense since he's trying to get Rowan to go to him

Seems like a lot of changes. How are you liking it?
The changes are tougher in this series, but.....I can see they're trying to arrive at the same destination

not sure if they are going to deep dive into the science of it, and I'm not going to reveal Lasher's full plan.... But people with powers have special chromosomes in their body. So throughout the generations Lasher has been manipulating events so that his designee always gets pregnant by someone with those powers chromosomes... basically witches or warlocks. And with Rowan the 13th witch...she needed someone who was especially strong to mate with. Cip (Michael) fit the bill, so he manipulated things so they he would get her pregnant with the baby Lasher wanted.

Ghostbusters 2
Over all I give this series so far a 6

D+ at best

Rowan is casted well.... No one is novel accurate.... But I don't mind her at a lead. She's kinda like the she hulk lead to me.

Cip is two major characters blended into one. And has nothing that led to the charm of the two characters. I can't say he's interesting or even a good character. The actor is cool enough. I don't hate him. But I still think his entire existence is peculiar. Like I don't know why they did that.

Tessa is Mona Mayfair, and Mona stole the first book, and another book she was in later in the timeline. Tessa has no Mona qualities.. She's just Rowans cousin who also has the chromosomes for BB Lasher's purpose. Even without all the incest and steeping with older men... Mona was a much more interesting character than Tessa.

Oncle Julian was also one of the major characters from the novels that was HIGHLY influential in pushing the plot forward. He's mentioned as Courtland's father... But courtland has actually taken his place story wise... Which is weird cuz Julian was 100% a ghost, and Rowans ability to interact with him so clearly was a testament to how strong of a witch she was. That whole story line has been removed as Courtland's clearly alive....and hasn't really interacted with Rowan the way Julian did in the novels.

I mean I'm committed to seeing it thru. But they really butchered the book. Interview told the same story... It was just like watching an alternate universe.. This is completely different from the books
. I'm only watching to see if Lasher's plan comes to life like it did in the books.

The ending of the first book was chilling and almost difficult to even read as it was so crazy. The way this show is going... If they attempt that.... It's gonna look crazy, and I don't think audiences will go for it. The show has bout done a good enough job to make that reveal work...

So I'm sure they're going to change the end... And I fear it's gonna be so ridiculous that even the people who have been watching may get turned off by it.

I'm watching.... But I'm not loving it like I did interview
Lol I'm hesitant to click on that spoiler because I don't want to know the destination
I hinted I at it, but I didn't reveal it fully. Mainly because I don't think they're going in that direction... So I feel like it's safe.. But if they do.. My answer is still safe... But at least you see where they're trying to do with it
I was kind of thinking she was going to kill him some other way

I'm confused on where she went in her mind. Did she go into Lasher's mind?

How is she able to read it just by touching it?

I'm surprised she didn't ask why he didn't help Tessa

She has mind sex while her body is laying down in the woods lol

Wait so Rowan is the product of incest?

Is that still Ciprien's baby that keeps growing or did Lasher do something to it when they had sex and make the baby his?

Damn her belly got big quickly in the real world

Ohh so Lasher comes into the real world through Rowans baby

So is that Lasher? I'm a tad confused and grossed out
Ok they were doing great with not confusing me and then in the last episode confused the hell out of me so I had to watch inside the episode