Ehh my experience with cancer ️ people leads me to believe differently.
A far superior sign
Ehh my experience with cancer ️ people leads me to believe differently.
Tell me about it, I vibe with most of her content. Do I agree with everything no, but I also think she lacks social skills and she explains this too.
I do think she on the spectrum...respectful. she admits it herself that she neurodivergent
When I see stuff like this I always wonder if the person in question has an actual diagnosis or are they just declaring it 'cause they watched a few tiktok videos and suddenly "it's all so clear now..." or are they using it to excuse their asshole-ish behavior so they never have to change.
I have several relatives that have been medically diagnosed as either being on spectrum for autism or Asperger Syndrome, including my two youngest. I also have two people in my family who have watched a bunch of tiktoks that believe they're autistic despite never ever being diagnosed and when you tell them to go get a diagnosis they get mad on some "I don't need no doctor to tell me nuffin, I know what I got!" shit.
I no longer entertain the idea that someone is on spectrum if they've never been formally diagnosed.
And all that alone definitely created the vortex of dismissal, vitrol, and annoyance ppl send her way
I mean I get that, but u can still have social issues and not have been diagnosed,
Have you ever spoken with for lack of better word ... nerds lol. I think that term is outdated
But especially in the various workplaces I've been in you see people who's abilities to socially engage with coworkers is way off. Their social cues and things most of us pick up on they don't. Like the show the Big Bang theory. The character Sheldon...I have met people way worst than that. We take as oh u just get out much , but I think it's deeper.
Super smart or talented but it gets lost in translation. I don't think individuals with clear symptoms of autism are the only people who have it.
And I am not talking just a socially awkward person, a little deeper than
All of that is why you get a formal diagnosis.
As for the nerd part, I was one of the biggest nerds you could find back inna day. I went to a gifted school when I was young, and in a school of over achievers, I was THE over achiever. Socially awkward? As a kid, hell yeah, the difference between me and some of my nerd brethren was that I had a desire to be less socially awkward and learned to adapt. I had to dumb it down to be able to communicate with my peers and make friends on the block. Most people like me don't get out much and they don't interact much with people they've deemed to be intellectually inferior to them unless they absolutely have to. So what some believe presents as being on spectrum is really being of high intelligence and having no desire to take it down a notch in order to fit in with the rest of society.
I just can't believe it due to so many things at play that molds a person's personality.Ehh my experience with cancer ️ people leads me to believe differently.
Okay yes I totally get that from her. Very much is perceived as "you think your better"
You ever see the show scorpion?
She seems very draining and exhausting to be around
She seems to be more "smart" than "intelligent".
Wait... Einstein's IQ was only 160???
*doing mah googles*
Damn... so my IQ far exceeds Einstein's??? I never knew that. Puts a bit of perspective on why my folks put so much pressure on me to do "something great" with my life.
Okay yes I totally get that from her. Very much is perceived as "you think your better"
You ever see the show scorpion?