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Am I the only one with an ABW member’s pic saved in their phone?

Know what, before this thread I had not ever considered it. But now that I think about it for real, the ladies of ABW post pics of themselves so infrequently. I might start saving em so i can remember who I’m talking to.
I might have some of the old IC pics that I used for photoshops in the pic thread and elsewhere. Like the one of Sion where I shopped Gumby's head onto his body and the series of Eid pics @OhMars posted that I shopped Freeway into. I think I have those shops I did of ObFresh too.

Past that, if it wasn't for lol's, I ain't got none.

And they're not on my phone. If I still have 'em, they're either on one of my old laptops or my old desktop.
i was bout to say hell yeah but i forgot i made that ghetto ass meme of Mars on the soulja rags cover