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Advice wanted: Here's the situation...


The one between three and three.
So, I'm sittin here a lil while ago fuckin around on the computer procrastinating about mowing this lawn and shit when I see some lil teenage dude walking up the front of my crib. Now, the front of the spot has a wheelchair ramp on it, and he's walking up it and I can see him through all the front windows and he's looking in the crib. Dude get to the windows to the living room where I'm at, looks dead at me, lets out an "oh shit!" and runs off. I get up and go out the door only to see that he was down the block and Amazon had delivered my Prime Day order. A quick check of the door camera and less than 2 minutes before dude came up the ramp, Amazon had dropped off the packages. Unless I know you, or you're some kinda delivery person, there's no good reason to even be on that ramp or the front porch.

My assumption: He thought he was finna hit a lick, got busted and ran off. Lil nigga can't be more than 14. I got video footage of him and stills clearly showing his face. One part of me wants to kinda let it go: I caught his ass, he knows he's been seen, and the likelihood of him trying this shit again at my crib is low as hell. The other part of me wants to either jump in the ride and find him and let his parents know what he did (with video evidence) or take it to the front office (they seem to know all the kids around here and who their parents are), show 'em the video, and let them handle it how they want. The petty part of me wants to put the video up on Ring Neighborhood on some "Attempted package theft" shits and leave it like that.

What would y'all do?

oh yeah, the crazy shit is what was delivered was another camera that I'm putting up to help watch the front of the porch.
The part that you’re not seeing here is that he don’t care and you were a random attempted victim. Coulda been any home, probably assumed cause of the ramp, that person inside had low mobility so even if they did peep, they wouldn’t get to him in time. Just saw what he thought was an easy lick. That type of person can’t be shamed or reasoned with, for your well being it’s just best to move on
So, I'm sittin here a lil while ago fuckin around on the computer procrastinating about mowing this lawn and shit when I see some lil teenage dude walking up the front of my crib. Now, the front of the spot has a wheelchair ramp on it, and he's walking up it and I can see him through all the front windows and he's looking in the crib. Dude get to the windows to the living room where I'm at, looks dead at me, lets out an "oh shit!" and runs off. I get up and go out the door only to see that he was down the block and Amazon had delivered my Prime Day order. A quick check of the door camera and less than 2 minutes before dude came up the ramp, Amazon had dropped off the packages. Unless I know you, or you're some kinda delivery person, there's no good reason to even be on that ramp or the front porch.

My assumption: He thought he was finna hit a lick, got busted and ran off. Lil nigga can't be more than 14. I got video footage of him and stills clearly showing his face. One part of me wants to kinda let it go: I caught his ass, he knows he's been seen, and the likelihood of him trying this shit again at my crib is low as hell. The other part of me wants to either jump in the ride and find him and let his parents know what he did (with video evidence) or take it to the front office (they seem to know all the kids around here and who their parents are), show 'em the video, and let them handle it how they want. The petty part of me wants to put the video up on Ring Neighborhood on some "Attempted package theft" shits and leave it like that.

What would y'all do?

oh yeah, the crazy shit is what was delivered was another camera that I'm putting up to help watch the front of the porch.
Teach that lil' muhfucka the other side of crime.

Report him. He needs to learn now that this shit has serious consequences, or he'll feel enabled to do it again to someone else.

Nah. Fuck all that. Kids think that the world is soft. This will toughen his ass right on up.
If he a neighborhood kid and you can find his people id bring it tho his parents attention and let them deal with it. Otherwise let it go. He come back again thats a different story
The part that you’re not seeing here is that he don’t care and you were a random attempted victim. Coulda been any home, probably assumed cause of the ramp, that person inside had low mobility so even if they did peep, they wouldn’t get to him in time. Just saw what he thought was an easy lick. That type of person can’t be shamed or reasoned with, for your well being it’s just best to move on
I agree with all but the last part

If you're friendly with your neighbors then I'd let them know he was peeping in all throughout the windows. Next house could be one of theirs and they aren't there to spook him
If he a neighborhood kid and you can find his people id bring it tho his parents attention and let them deal with it. Otherwise let it go. He come back again thats a different story
what if he got a ignorant single mother as a parent??? she will look at the footage with disappointment in her face & 5 seconds later will say "it ain't my son"
what if he got a ignorant single mother as a parent??? she will look at the footage with disappointment in her face & 5 seconds later will say "it ain't my son"

This is kinda why I would rather bring it to the office's attention 'cause I ain't trying to deal with no shit like that or, if his father lives there (which seems to be the case more often than not in this neighborhood), and he's on some bullshit still trying to live his glory days on the streets (like the nigga kitty corner from me).
He could’ve realized he was at the wrong house once he saw you for all we know

Even if he was going to steal your package, let it go

You gonna ride around in Detroit and look for a kid? Lol

Then what? lil nigga would smoke you

Nah, I'm way out in the sticks these days. Shit is crazy rural outchea. Riding around this side of the subdivision would barely take 5 minutes.
He didn't actually do anything so you should just let it go. He was either at the wrong address or he got caught slipping so he's unlikely to try again. Let the cameras do what they're supposed to do.
what if he got a ignorant single mother as a parent??? she will look at the footage with disappointment in her face & 5 seconds later will say "it ain't my son"
whoever the parent is, if they wanna be ignant then it is what it is.. you did your part in letting them know what they kid was doin. Like I said if he comes back.. thats a different story now
He didn't actually do anything so you should just let it go. He was either at the wrong address or he got caught slipping so he's unlikely to try again. Let the cameras do what they're supposed to do.

That's 'cause he got caught. I saw his ass creepin' up the ramp peeking into the crib through the kitchen windows. He bailed 'cause we looked dead at each other when he looked through the window next to the front door. You can see him recoil back when he saw me looking at him and hear him on camera like "Oh shit!" when he ran off.
So, I called the county sheriff. Officer came out, I explained the situation and she said they've been seeing a rise in the number of package thefts out here. Showed her the footage and she got a laugh out of the part where the kid realized I saw him and let out that "oh shit!" when he ran off. Not a lot she could do 'cause I caught him in the act and he bounced without taking it, but it was clear to her that he was finna snatch my shit. She's gonna ride around to see if she can spot him and if she does she's gonna talk to his folks about the shit 'cause with a different person this could have gone all types of sideways.