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Acknowledge Him: Roman Reigns Thread

Still dont understand how this guy is the face of WWE, Zero charisma.

I see Paul Heyman when he comes on The MMA Hour, now i understand how he earns his paycheck.

Zero charisma?

it was that moment i stopped publicly hating on reigns
he pinned both my favs at once and looked in the camera like “are these your kings?”

i’ve patiently waited two years for this to end. on sunday i will wait no more *cody’s voice*

hell of a run tho
My question for y’all who have been watching TV week after week is this… is the WWE better off if Roman retains the title at Wrestlemania? Everyone seems to expect Cody to win it. This feels like something that could go on for months. Should WWE have Roman retain & save Cody’s win for Summerslam?
My question for y’all who have been watching TV week after week is this… is the WWE better off if Roman retains the title at Wrestlemania? Everyone seems to expect Cody to win it. This feels like something that could go on for months. Should WWE have Roman retain & save Cody’s win for Summerslam?
No. It does nothing for him to keep it. There is zero other baby face as hot as Cody and the crowd is 100% with it. Why jeopardize not having that moment again just to please a few Romans fans with another 2-3 month reign.

Sometimes good things just need to come to an end at the right time even if its still hot.