According to a study, everyone is bisexual

Oh this thread is going multi platinum and prolly diamond like Michael Jackson and Eminem LOOLOLOLOL SMMFH.

A gay thread !? And you got bisexual shit in it !?? Yeah niggas gonna send this to the FOF LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Yooo I promise I was like watch this shit do numbers like Sion say they do lmaooo
I don’t know what that means

I’d ask a straight guy what he thought of his looks. If he can grade his self, it would seem by some rationale he could determine the attractiveness of another guy, according to his standards. I don’t think he now wants to suck some dick but is that not non hetero=not 100%

I'll try and ask this again...In your opinion can a person be 100% heterosexual or 100% homosexual?

100% is equivalent to being attracted to only opposite sex or only the same sex exclusively
And man fuck taking studies serious in 2018. At this point a study can prove anything. There are studies out tbere that prove candy is good for kids, that fast food is healthy etc.

Fuck a study in 2018 for real.
I didn't read that long ass bullshit study either, but based on it's supposed content, I can guarantee you it was conducted by white people.


These weirdos always wanna drag everybody down into their dark place.