While I am sure she is. That doesn’t explain the votes from anyone except Goldie and you.
i aint vote for her tho
While I am sure she is. That doesn’t explain the votes from anyone except Goldie and you.
why and how tf would u even compare us to them lol
a heavy set chick smothering nutella on herself? this is the rudest shit said to me on this site.
i think he meant the mystique that both of ya'll sharea heavy set chick smothering nutella on herself? this is the rudest shit said to me on this site.
He could've used a better analogy, that was disrespectful af lol me and homie are nothin alike.
And there's really no mystique. Yall know what yall need to know, we just don't put too much shit out there for people to talk about.
goldie, this literally fits the definition of mystique lol
thanks all who voted and spoke well of me. Ima be a private nigga till I e-die, tho
Damn shocked by the votes