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COMMUNITY ABW's 2018 CYOL: Auction Pt.3 (Noon Est)

Mystery artist:

Good job @Judge Judah
So now Goldie tallies up the points based on the O/P and our rosters. Then we do the free agency for the 5 man pick up. It goes from least points to most points in terms of who goes first. You can get 5 free artists, no matter the genre, as long as they're still alive. After everyone picks it goes in reverse and if you have any cash left over you can use the rest of it to buy any artist still available in the free agency for 10 mil.

After that we are given a week or two to create albums from our artists who are then judged by a panel of 5 judges based on

Critical acclaim
Album covers
Aight cool

I got the 5 I want, yall better not fuck it up for me
Rosters and remaining money amounts have been updated in the OP.

I'll set up the draft later on today