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ABW Wrestling Nominations


Where were you on……….?
2022 ABW Sexiest Male Poster
Here’s a list of the nominees. Not the final list! Add on as well (FYI I have other wrestlers saved for another category)

Roman Reigns
Kenny Omega
Big E
Bobby Lashley
Seth Rollins
Brock Lesnar
Drew McIntyre
Adam Page
Jon Moxley
I’m making changes. Here’s the categories:

Male and female wrestler of the year
Tag team of the year
Feud of the year
Match of the year
Mid card wrestler of the year
Show of the year

WALTER vs Dragunov II
WALTER vs Ciampa
Reigns vs Cesaro
Reigns vs Daniel Bryan
Ciampa and Thatcher vs GYV
Rollins vs Edge HIAC
Sasha vs Bianca WM
To be fair, I wanna only one wrestler in one feud. So it’s either Roman vs Brock or Roman vs Daniel Bryan
I’m trying to even it out. Any more nominations for feud of the year from AEW?