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COMMUNITY ABW NFL pick'em 2020

How much should we go for?

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....50$ A Mod can Hold the bread til the end of the Season

@Mister B.
@Revolver Ocelot

Who Is Nemesis
AnyOne Else I Forget ???

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I ain't doing $50 during a pandemic.

Shit ain't that sweet for me
I am MomshouldabortedU and the abortion clinic is open!!
NFL might not even go the whole season.

Vikings and Titans just shut down their facilities
$50 a good price but maybe should do a poll see what the masses think

Next season make the money a prerequisite up front before the season starts I guess.

Ppl less motivated to pay if theyre not doing great no shots lol

A lot of ppl being quiet about the money right now ?
If it wasn't "covid" 50 wouldn't be an issue.
50 is a lot for an uncertain season
we already have a canceled game and its week 4

I'm salty I got ripped for NBA lol