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ABW Mortal Kombat: R&B Edition 4: Best of the B List

bruh i'm trying to google niggaz to make sure they didn't go plat... not all information's accurate, and i don't want to sully ur contest fam

so u need to chill, i'm still shocked that jasmine Sullivan never went platinum....

adorn went 2 times platinum as a single...

so chill with the smart shit, i googled it
bruh i'm trying to google niggaz to make sure they didn't go plat... not all information's accurate, and i don't want to sully ur contest fam

so u need to chill, i'm still shocked that jasmine Sullivan never went platinum....

adorn went 2 times platinum as a single...

so chill with the smart shit, i googled it
The singles don't matter, Miguel never had a platinum album

Platinum album b
Wikipedia is lying about jhud, it says she's not platinum, but under further investigation she is.....
plus dude came out in 2010...are u officially allowing people after 2010?

cuz i mean i'll take him to ease the bitching, but i was tying to take the shit seriously....i was shocked that kem went platinum too....

anthony hamilton punk ass had an album in the 90's

the shit isn't that easy fam.....don't rush me
Will u make a damn pick lol
i'm trying to make an informed pick.. why all so impatient all of a sudden... niggaz was talking like we had till tomorrow.....

but when du get on the clock everybody in a rush

can i please make an informed decision?
Skip this nigga

yall some big ass kids man......

i'm legit taking the shit seriously and investigating my artist.....

whatever bruh, give me miguel, who debuted in 2010, had a platinum record, which pretty much goes against what the entire contest was going out to do in the first place

but yea, cuz yall in a rush....i'll take miguel