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ABW Interviews: Azlyn

Yea but that don’t mean it’s not possible for me to put that aside and connect wit people I respect. Shorty is a physical therapist, she had a trouble youth, she’s attractive so she has to deal with hate from insecure females, she’s intelligent and for the most part open minded.

All of that to me is like when a dog hears the door bell and it’s ears perk up. That’s exciting, that’s interesting, that’s something to respect. Cause that’s, believe it or not, right or wrong. Not normal bruh, it ain’t.

So when I say and she say I been in her inbox was nothing but respectful. That was because of legitimate respect and not some con to later get something. She don’t wanna give me nothing bruh.

Y’all need to relax and let me be a decent person
you be thinking about her titties though...
so you're being disingenuous

at least the nigga who asking about her titties of the top keeping it real.... he's being honest....

and honesty goes a long way......
I don’t even like titties like that, and I’m not going to keep defending myself about me knowing I’m not trying to con her..y’all got it
Another great interview. It is nice to hear someone’s partial backstory. Also there is nothing wrong with being high all the time depending on how high you are.
For our 4th vol of ABW Interviews we have the one and only @Azlyn

Goldie: Let's start this like we start the rest with you letting us know where you're from and how it is to live there.

Azlyn: I live on the west coast. Washington State and unless you live in the Seattle area there’s nothing to brag about. I guess me growing up in a rural area has me wanting more.(Big City)

Goldie: What do you do for a living?

Azlyn: I work at a Chiropractors office and my job is physical therapy. Working with individuals teaching them exercises that will benefit them in their recovery along with being stretched out on a traction table.

Goldie: Why did you choose that? Was that the career path you always wanted to take or was there something else?

Azlyn: I never really sought out that type of work it just happened. I mainly worked in food restaurants/bars/nightclubs and I’ve done tons of lab work. I went to school to study criminal justice because I wanted to be a Probation officer for teens. I just think a lot of these kids need a little motivation to choose a different path than the one they’re in. I just hate seeing ppl in these jobs that ain’t there for the right reasons. Which is to help these kids rather than condemn them to a life of crime...

Goldie: Who are your favorite musicians?

Azlyn: My girls Jhene Aiko, Kehlani, Amerie, my men DVSN, Avant, Gyptian, Ty Dolla $ign, and for my rappers Tupac, Kendrick Lamar, And Jay Z

Goldie: Who are your favorite comedians?

Azlyn: Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, Dave Chapelle, and Chris Rock

Goldie: What's your most fondest memory in your life?

Azlyn: Honestly and not getting into it but childhood wasn’t that great so I really can’t recall.

Goldie: What's one of your worst memories in your life?

Azlyn: My worst memory was when I was about 15 years old and I was with a friend and her bf’s brother. She asked me to ride along with her while she got dropped off at her bf’s work place. Me and her bf’s brother were riding back into town and well he spaced out driving. He didn’t smoke nor drink just spaced it.
So as we’re reaching the stop sign I noticed he wasn’t slowing down. Me being so young didn’t know any better to scream for him to stop.
Next thing I know I see two cars coming from both sides of us at the 4 way but it’s only a two way stop.
I don’t remember what happened next because I passed out.
I woke up in the front seat covered in my own blood. Couldn’t remember my name or where I was or what happened. I just remember screaming for help for somebody anybody to help me. I raleached up because I felt my face dripping in blood and I reached up towards my neck there was just so much damage to my neck area seeing my head went through the windshield and back in.
We were going 55 miles an hour when we hit a cement water box.

I didn’t... I do now though.

Goldie: What's something people would be surprised to know about you?

Azlyn: I’m not always high nor am I dumb just misunderstood. Lol

Goldie: You're "tex-mex", I'm not sure about Tex-Mex families, but I know alot of mexicans don't really like black people, so do your folks know that you've dated black men? If so, how did that go?

Azlyn: Honestly never heard my family say anything bad about black folks and was kinda naive to it all I guess. I do know my older brother didn’t really approve but as you’ve kinda got a clue as to how I am IDGAF about what anybody has to say about who I date or what I want. I do df I wanna do I have always been that way and don’t plan on changing now.

Goldie: Would you say all men are the same or have you noticed differences with dating latin men, white men or black men?

Azlyn: I don’t judge a book by its cover. Yes of course I notice looks but it’s usually deeper than that for me seeing I’ve dated some uglies in my time (online though). Lol
I’ve only dated a white guy once in my life and well it was just one of them things. He was my boss. Lol
As far as Latinos and blacks it’s just my preference.
They’re just more fun and more my type. I guess I just didn’t have much in common with the white man. He would tell me to take his brand new truck out and with a full tank of gas. This was strange seeing we just started talking. To easy to walk on and just not for me. I got a pussy I didn’t need an extra one.

Goldie: What type of men do you normally go for, personality/looks wise?

Azlyn: Let’s just start this with I normally don’t date uglies unless it was online and I got to liking them before I saw them.
They have to have goals, dreams, wants.
Be able to hold a convo and keep my attention.
I’ve only had a gentlemen once in my life and it was everything and more I ever really wanted.
To bad he was also a manipulator and it was all just him putting in work rather than it just being who he was.

Goldie: We've seen Chi, BDP, Germs and a couple others shoot their shot with you, would you seriously entertain any of em, if so who would they be and why?

Azlyn: Well you all know I’ve spoken to BDP briefly seeing he was off for a long time and that’s what happened there. Me and Chi been talking since the auction but haven’t spoken on anything really than what’s here. I’ve had a few inboxes but me being how I am they probably didn’t pursue due to the fact I’m not the easiest person to get to know. I have my walls but they’re there for a reason.


Goldie: Apparently it's been 100 years since you've had sex, I'm assuming you're waiting for someone you deem as worthy to give the box to. Is it that your hometown has nothing but wack men or do you feel like men all over just aren't worthy. If the latter, what is it do you feel men are lacking?

Azlyn: I’m celibate because I tried the dating scene for a bit after my break up and found it was meaningless. My neph kinda struck me with the whole why date someone that is never going to become more than what it is which was sex.
Hit me hard asf and I realized he was so right.
I just want someone who I can vibe with mentally and physically. It’s not that I think men lack in what I want it’s just I haven’t found it yet.

To answer the question on men in my area, they are lame asf where I’m from and from that I know I’m going to be single as long as I live where I live.


Goldie: Name your favorite ABW posters.

Azlyn: Goldie, BNE, Du, ChiCity, BDP when he’s here, NeighborhoodNomad, and Race...

Goldie: Name your least favorite posters and why.

Azlyn: No comment just know I don’t step on toes nor fuck wit those who do. (To much Dick out here to be lowering myself for someone who isn’t that into me)

Goldie: What is something you would change or approve upon on ABW?

Azlyn: I think ABW is great and my only thing that I can say is that I would like to see everybody being treated the same as far as mods. (No favoritism or allowing for one and not the other)

Goldie: Any last words before we conclude?

Azlyn: Yes I did write a book but you asked for it. I even looked at it again and said self how can I make this shorter?


I'm not outchea enough but when I have time we'll have a brief conversation.

Great interview...

Sounds like you need to try to make a move away from the northwest. Seems as if new surroundings will be GOAT for you Az.
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