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COMMUNITY ABW Hold Em Poker Thread

I'm cool w/ winner takes all

Jus was unclear we was actually bettin a g, thought that was jus what we was startin w/ on the game
Judge Judah Blactivity Kandycita @BRIAN B. all of yall have to send/donate 1k to Shotta for yesterday's game.

click his money amount , click donate, send him 1k

@Goldie and @BRIAN B.
Damn, preciate that Goldie

kinda feel like a lil ho bein givin money lol, but I'll honor the bet cuz my brother taught me to long ago
Filtered to donation transactions. Seems that I'm missing two names
View attachment 65328

I changed it from "adjust" to "donate" this morning after i sent u the bread. The most was being sent to posters but the money wasn't being removed form the person who sent it. I had to change it to "donate". But the money was sent to u.
I changed it from "adjust" to "donate" this morning after i sent u the bread. The most was being sent to posters but the money wasn't being removed form the person who sent it. I had to change it to "donate". But the money was sent to u.

naw fam. I just wasted my time going thru my transactions. Whats the point of play if niggaz ain't paying. @BRIAN B. you need to pay up too.
