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COMMUNITY ABW Debate 2021 Sign Up


We Don't Won't No Damn Giddy!
Site Administrator
So I'm thinking we can get a tournament going amongst the great debaters we have here

I'm thinking an opening, two rebuttals and a conclusion?

No more than 16 folks max

If you sign up, state what topic you'd want to debate in first round *music, government, sports, science, etc etc*

@silverfoxx: Government/Science
@DOS_patos: music 1
@Pachá12: Music/Sports 1
@Duwop: 1
@AZTG: Any
@Olorun22: Sports
@Fightbackmode2005: government/science 2
@Mister B. : Any
@Bobjones: 1
@Baldheadlogic: niggas
@mryounggun: Any 1
@TheNightKing: Any
@Whis Khalifa: Any 1
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So I'm thinking we can get a tournament going amongst the great debaters we have here

I'm thinking an opening, two rebuttals and a conclusion?

No more than 16 folks max

If you sign up, state what topic you'd want to debate in first round *music, government, sports, science, etc etc*
Didn't you get embarrassed about a year ago, hopefully you're just a judge and not a participant