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COMMUNITY ABW Court: OhMars and Nkechi Vs Racial Slander

Is Ohmars Guilty?

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  • Poll closed .
bruh, biased jurors voted.....

biased ones......

that's not an asswhooping, that's a damn consipricacy!!!!!

how can the integrity of this court be anything if two witnessed who testified AGAINST my client are allowed to vote?

f a person who's vote was for sale for cryign out loud is allowed to be counted....

the way i see it

it's 5-3 in favor of my client.

Any one with clear eyes can see that
only thing i'm learning is that this courtroom isn't about justice. it's not about a fair trial.
I simply asked him if he wanted to donate some of his multi million dollar fortune to charity before a possible ban.

And due to his selfish shitty character he passed
What are those?
Two witnesses that testified against my client were allowed to vote. I feel those votes shouldn't count. Neither should the vote of the poster who tried to solicit votes in my clients inbox. Which is basically extortion.

That's three votes that should not be counted.
Heyyy wait hold up... I was a witness where's my compensation at? Du put me under duress while on the stand...

Don't jurors get paid too
Fuck this... @Goldie I changed my mind. I want to take @ChiCity to court. I want to sue him for emotional distress and punitive damages. No less than $10 MILLION.
I want @Sam Crooke to represent me.

I can't get them three days back yo.