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COMMUNITY ABW COURT - Goldie vs. Dos Potatoes

my closing argument....

it was not clear on who was the target of the spite was and when he said ye.....we dont know what hes talking about.
legal flim flam.
a lawyers sworn internet statement.
No tricks @Goldie

Do we have to still do this?
Only in america.
Statements hold weight of the credible person
Problaby will have good jurors.
And we know you guys are honest people
Today we will be victorious.
On a thursday.
See you guys after the trial.

We will see justice
In God we trust
Never doubt true justice.
See ya on the other side.
@DOS_patos during recess we bumped into one of your family members. It'll be a shame if he had an "accident" after court was adjourned...

@DOS_patos during recess we bumped into one of your family members. It'll be ashamed if he had an "accident" after court was adjourned...


Damn AP if Goldie playing like this I hope you haven't done anything to him and call this trial in his favor because you know what happens next if you don't.

love and chitown b


Jurors have been selected

@King Du, will you be the foreman and gather up everyone in a PM and discuss the case
This is a shitty open and shut case. I ainā€™t even bother reading dos paw patrol statements cause he be juelzing on a regular basis.


Judgement for Goldie.
Hold up


I want his entire bank sent to mine immediately after the ruling is made.