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COMMUNITY ABW’s Junior Mod Election is NOW OPEN.

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I nominate @DOS_patos and @Love

Dos_patos, because dude basically lives here and be racing to create content. I would like to see him as a mod.

Love, simply just want get another female poster more active on here.
Niggaz couldnt get off the first page without talking about me
@Chitown B / Been knocking on the door for quite sometime now , contributes to the board on multiple levels dude Legit Cares

@Elzo69Renaissance / Smart, engaging not a Kiss ass by any means , Not afraid to mix It Up , Opinionated

@shutupGabi / No Brainer Out the Gate should've been given the keys a long time ago

@StringerBell / Still doesn't get the credit he deserves , News, Hip-Hop, Women, Battle Rap ect.

@OhMars / Hilarious but authentic ,Gonna give his opinion regardless , But fair

@Beta / Game Changer , Personality ,Stands On His Own , Left B2K to start a solo career

Either Way Time to Shake this shit Up

Precious Morty.

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