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COMMUNITY ABW’s Junior Mod Election is NOW OPEN.

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We Don't Won't No Damn Giddy!
Site Administrator
It's that time of year again. We'll be holding an election for a Junior Mod.
What’s a junior mod you ask? A junior mod is a mod who will have basic modding abilities for the sub forum of their choice for one month.

Nominate up to 2 posters (not yourself) and EXPLAIN why they should be a junior mod.
(If you don’t say why, nomination is void)

The 4 with the most votes will be entered into the debate.

Nominations end at Wednesday 7/13 7pmest​
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I was a mod all on the IC and I did a lot of great things for the IC. I've always been fair, I've always been transparent and I've always done my best to look out for and help everyone. With the IC now gone I'd like to devote my energy, ideas and connections to helping ABW become even greater than it can be.

I will bring new posters in, IG model interviews and pornstar interviews I will bring (and me and Geno already got a few coming), Tinychat for ABW, conference calls like I used to do on the IC with @Black Caesar , @DOS_patos and @Young_Chitlin and others and much much more. Even on the IC if I had a problem with a poster I never ever let it get personal and always found a way to break bread. I'd focus on Pic Gallery (which should be renamed to something else, Maybe The Museum, or something the people can decide), Record Shop and The Arcade.

I used to be a mod on here so I know the team and I know the site's framework. I know what it takes to take ABW to a higher level and keep posters entertained.
All these achievements and you can't read smh
lmao this nigga @Sion saw the title and wrote a whole ass dissertation without reading the damn rules.

I'll go ahead and nominate Sion.. citing whatever reasons he stated in his essay. He was a good mod on the IC far as I can remember lol
Yo I'm ctfu over here at this. Lol!!

That nigga Sion couldn't wait to post that. Lol.
@Sion - He was a dope mod over on the IC and he stays dropping gems. I know that he also wants to see ABW succeed.

i need to think of a second person

im leaning towards @1/2 cause i just wanna see how that nigga would react to being a mod
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