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COMMUNITY A John Amos Thread

Made it through the storm ok

Lost power for like 5 min

My parents parish account for like 90% of the power outages and she says it could be days or weeks until it's fully restored. Power lines are wrapped around trees 😞

Apparently BR wasn't hit too hard 'cause my client and the bulk of his clients around that city are all up and running. I was hoping to have a kind of quiet day from them but noooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Niggas came to work today.
I like to put honey on my sweet potatoes. I'm asking if squash has a similar taste or is more bitter. I never ate it before so I have no clue.
I think it's slightly bitter than sweet potatoes but it's not gross or anything
They have a generator connected to their house that's tied into their gas line

My dad says it can run for as long as they need it, he just needs to replace the oil every few days

I'm saving up for one of those myself. My aunt and cousin in VA have them for their cribs. Supposedly it can operate for up to a week at a time.

Candy corn gets a lot of hate…smh

YES or NO on candy corn?
I'll eat it if it's the only thing available but there's so many other things I'd choose before it

I googled it and it seems like there's conflicting reports of it either being created in the late 1800s or the early 1900s

Either way there's so many other candies that are better IMO
Tom Cruise is cool, but no one is topping Jackie Chan and the best action movie star. The stunts from his old movies are legit crazy af. Hell even Michelle Yeoh was doing crazy shit too.

Tom Cruise is cool, but no one is topping Jackie Chan and the best action movie star. The stunts from his old movies are legit crazy af. Hell even Michelle Yeoh was doing crazy shit too.

The one stunt in Operation Condor Armor of God almost killed him

Had him bedridden for a while