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COMMUNITY A John Amos Thread

Y'all be easy today. Looks like the country is under a cyber attack
I was supposed to be travelling today too smh. Thought they said a certain software triggered a forced windows update or something and that it wasnt an actual attack. I gotta get some more info
I was supposed to be travelling today too smh. Thought they said a certain software triggered a forced windows update or something and that it wasnt an actual attack. I gotta get some more info
I was catching a flight to Curacao in the morning I'm going to need this shit fixed
Ima say it cause who am I,🤥, you guys won’t believe me, yall think I’m crazy and or stupid. So this won’t cause any harm if I say it here.

There is a faction of influential people that believe that humanity’s ascension or future is dependent upon free minded people that are allowed through fulfilled obligatory lives. To pursue passion that will lead to great leaps in thoughts, arts, creations, and socialization.

There is another faction that has absolutely no faith in no humans below your stratosphere and believe that everyone else is cattle to enrich their lives, their power, and it gives people purpose to be mindless slaves that believe they have minds.

These two factions have or at one point had a sort of balance. The latter has gained greater power and a stronger foothold. The best minds of the first faction have tried many ways to turn things, so to speak.

Covid had an unexpected consequence, as it, paused the game so to speak. Miraculously, it cause the players in the game to wake up. And realize that they are in a game, long enough for the games programming to slip.

The first faction noticed this, and are finding new ways to emulate this in small amounts. Not enough to hurt and kill people but enough to soft reboot people.
This in part on the “evil” side if you want to call it. Is why prices are so high and it’s so hard to find a good job. To put pressure on people to focus more on survival. And to force people think and worry about money. It becomes the carrot on the stick that the donkey can’t get to. They have lengthen the stick which causes the donkey to try harder to get to it

But here’s the other part. Men, don’t need much to be content. Which is why bachelor pads are devoid of shit. Well, how can you motivate men. By makin what men want harder to get. There in lies the social push to make women and men believe in “high value men”.

If women want men that have and do more, men believe they have to want and do more, and to do that, men have to work, they have to go after that carrot that’s harder to get.

Now you have men back in the game, but an outlier to this that’s confusing to men. Is that no matter what I have, it’s not enough for most women I meet to be content with having it with me, and that ruins my peace. There you have “pass port bros” where subconsciously they get the flaw in the logic.

But instead of waking up to the game, they find another way to play it. When you look at all that’s going on. Nothing makes sense. Why was Redbox still a company for so long where there’s not nearly enough people still buying physical mediums to make it no where near profitable?

Why have TVs that you coulda bought for 1500 dollars 10 years ago, now going for 300 but a new dvd player still cost 30 dollars? What sense does that make? Why has technology made all most everything easier to produce but the price points on things that should be much less, much higher?

None of it makes sense but as song as the carrot is hard to get to, the focus is on the carrot and not what surrounds the donkey. Stoppages in the pursuit of the carrot allows the donkey to look around and think to itself. I’m surrounded by other things that can take care of my needs, why the fuck is this carrot so important?